Thursday, July 25, 2024

RNS Morning Report: As Netanyahu addresses Congress, protests rock Capitol

RNS Morning Report

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As Netanyahu addresses Congress, protests rock Capitol

WASHINGTON (RNS) — As Netanyahu slammed protesters in front of Congress, thousands gathered outside, many accusing him of war crimes.

‘One Love’: How religious traditions in the Caribbean influenced one another

(RNS) — For many who claim Indo-Caribbean heritage, Vice President Kamala Harris’ spotlight is the perfect chance to dive into the community’s lesser-known past: where indigenous faiths and cultural traditions found more in common than not.

‘A Well-Trained Wife’ unpacks life in Christian patriarchy

(RNS) — According to author Tia Levings, the lessons of Christian patriarchy are inherently political.

African faith leaders call for debt forgiveness in 2025 Jubilee year

(RNS) — ‘We urgently need a new debt jubilee to bring hope to humankind, and to bring the planet back from the brink of becoming uninhabitable,’ said 27 religious leaders from 13 countries.

RNS Opinion

Eucharistic Revival and synodality

(RNS) — Synodality is about communion, participation and mission; so, too, is the Eucharist. Too bad the Eucharistic Revival is not.

Is the GOP the party of life and liberty no more?

(RNS) — Dobbs gave states power to deal with abortion. It didn't end the federal government's responsibility to protect life.

Is Marvel erasing a Jewish superhero?

(RNS) — It’s not the first time Marvel has been accused of fostering antisemitism.


Road to Majority conference showed how Trump plans to keep the Christian right close

WASHINGTON (RNS) — As the GOP pivots to an unpredictable general election season, the party is doubling down on its commitment to religious nationalism.

Amos Brown, pastor to Kamala Harris, known for civil rights, reparations activism

(RNS) — Vice President Kamala Harris has praised Brown, ‘my pastor,’ as a man who also has long been her mentor.

In Other News


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