Friday, May 10, 2024

Weekly Outlook - 🗣️ The highly-debated Olympia overture: Op-eds

Dear readers, 

Our dedicated Outlook team has been keeping a close eye on the inflow of overtures for the upcoming summer's General Assembly. One of them has garnered a lot of conversation in the Presbyterian corners of the internet: POL-01, formerly known as Overture 1 and colloquially known as the Olympia overture (since Olympia Presbytery brought it forward). 

POL-01 has two parts. As Patrice Gaines reported for the Outlook, "The first section ... would add LBGTQIA+ members to the list of 'protected classes' against which the PC(USA) will not tolerate discrimination. The second segment ... could lead some presbyteries to deny ordination to candidates who do not affirm the denomination’s principles of non-discrimination and representation."

For this week's newsletter, we have curated a collection of diverse opinions on the overture. Despite where you stand on POL-01, we invite you to listen to some of the many voices that make up our denomination. As Karen Rohrer recently wrote in our May issue on innovation, "Listening is a way to be present to something — God, the world, other people, yourself." Listening, particularly to opinions that differ from yours, allows us to innovate and live into our denomination's call to be "reformed and always reforming."

And if you feel that your opinion on the overture isn't represented and is needed to further the conversation, write us a note. Our coverage of this issue, and all the issues coming to GA, will continue throughout the summer.

God's peace,

Rose Schrott Taylor
Outlook digital content editor

P.S. Our coverage of GA also includes a webinar with moderator candidates and bulletin inserts. Scroll to the bottom of the email to learn more!

It is time for clarity — and for faithfulness without fear by Brian Ellison
Olympia overture will “narrow us” by The Fellowship Community
Embracing diversity without exclusion by Jack Haberer
Theologically diverse Presbyterian study group assesses the Olympia overture
POL-01 helps PC(USA) fight discrimination for generations by Daniel Herron
The ongoing dialogue on LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) reported by Patrice Gaines 

In case you missed it...

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