Thursday, May 30, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - Now More Than Ever! National Reconciliation Week is underway in Australia ❤️💛🖤 Get the resources and more in National Update 29 May-4 June

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29 May-4 June 2024

National Update

Your weekly snapshot of the Uniting Church in Australia 

Our Featured Story


Now More Than Ever! #NRW2024

From 27 May to 3 June, National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is an opportunity to learn more about the shared histories of this country, its ancient cultures and to acknowledge the enduring contribution of First Nations people. 

This year's theme, "Now, More Than Ever", is a rallying cry for us all to reflect and take action for a more just and reconciled Australia. For the Uniting Church, this is a time to reflect deeply upon the call of our Covenant with the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC). Now more than ever, we are called to work together in the spirit of justice. 

As part of NRW, and as we approach the 30th anniversary of the Covenant and the 15th anniversary of the Preamble in July, the Assembly is sharing videos of Congress and Church leaders sharing what the Covenant means to them. UAICC National Chair Rev Mark Kickett says, 

"It's still a reminder to us that we fight for the things that God would fight for. We still stand up for the things that Jesus would stand for and that we, as a Church, are called upon to be that voice in this community..."

The first video is up and a second video will be shared tomorrow. Go to the Assembly's National Reconciliation Week page to watch and find a host of resources to use in your worship or share in your community this week.

Watch now and get the resources


Allyship strong as ever on the Uluru Statement

The Uniting Church Assembly has joined over 50 organisations in signing a new Statement of Commitment to the principles of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, released by the Allies for Uluru coalition. The Statement is an expression of the Assembly's commitment to the full implementation of the Uluru Statement, seven years on from when it was first signed by a historic consensus of First Nations leaders.


A website for the Act2 report is now live

The Act2 Project team is excited to launch Act2: The Gift of the Spirit - now in web form! The Act2 report website is a dynamic way of reading and engaging with the Act2 report to the 17th Assembly, complementing the written report released earlier with Assembly papers. It includes the content of the report, graphs, images, videos and more.

In case you missed it, read about the wonderful illustration commissioned for the report and the translation work undertaken by the Act2 Project Unit. Three key visual resources - an executive summary, proposals summary and implementation roadmap - have now been translated into 17 languages.


Video message and resources now available

In case you missed it, the President's message for the 47th Uniting Church Anniversary is now available to download and share. The final video message of Rev Sharon Hollis' term, the message has grown out of reflection on her time as President. In the coming days the Assembly will release liturgical resources inspired by the message for worship.


Gender-based violence in rural and remote Australia

The Assembly is continuing its series on gender-based violenceOut of Silence, with this reflection from Frontier Services. Bush Chaplains in rural Australia share about the emotional and practical support they provide to survivors of gender-based violence, as well as the structural barriers they face in providing long-term safety for women and children. You can also read the first reflection from President Rev Sharon Hollis here.


Donate for recovery in Papua New Guinea

We hold the people of Papua New Guinea in prayer after a catastrophic landslide struck a remote village in the mountainous Enga region of the country last week. At least 650 people are believed to have been killed with some estimates as high as 2000 buried. UnitingWorld has shared a prayer and launched an appeal for donations towards the massive recovery and humanitarian effort now underway.


Prayers rising for Rafah

We are devastated at news from Rafah of the killing of innocent civilians who believed they were sheltering in one of the last safe places in Gaza. Words fail and our prayers of lament rise in longing that this part of the world be gathered up under the wings of peace. The Assembly has shared this prayer from The Methodist Church of Great Britain.

In the recent Assembly Standing Committee resolution on Israel and Palestine, Uniting Church members were encouraged to pray, to act in support of a just peace and to donate if able. Revisit the resolution here.


Create justice for generations

You can help create justice for generations through UnitingWorld's End of Financial Year appeal, supporting the lasting change that sets people free after generations of poverty and injustice. Your tax-deductible gift can make up to six times the impact when combined when Australian Aid funding. Donate today!

Find out more

Uniting in Prayer

Cross-country connections

A great moment of connection last week when leaders from the Glenbrook and Portarlington Uniting Churches met on Zoom to share about their communities and pray for each other - part of the national prayer chain connecting communities across the country through Uniting in Prayer.

See the post

UnitingCare Australia

Woven collaboration

In honour of National Reconciliation Week, UnitingCare Australia has shared a powerful poem by proud Palawa women Alison Overeem. 'The Woven Oneness of Collaboration' and its image of weaving a basket or tirrina captures the unity, healing, strength and wisdom which comes from working as one.

Read now

Frontier Services

No road too long

Can you guess how far Frontier Services' Bush Chaplains need to drive tomorrow? 3,103km. That's how far they drive in one single day to show up, listen, reassure, organise, coordinate and care. As part of the 2024 Frontier Services Tax Appeal, read how Elaine's Bush Chaplain drives a 400km round trip to see her.

Read Elaine's story
In case you missed it...
News and story highlights from the last couple of weeks


Lecturer in Systematic Theology - Pilgrim Theological College, Synod of VicTas

Pilgrim Theological College seeks a senior and highly qualified academic to join the Faculty.

Minister Team Leader - Chermside Kedron Community Church, QLD

An exciting ministry placement in a stable and vibrant congregation, and an urban hub context.

Upcoming Dates

27 May - 2 June: National Reconciliation Week
5 June: World Environment Day
16-22 June: Refugee Week
22 June: 47th Uniting Church Anniversary
7-14 July: NAIDOC Week
10 July: 30th Anniversary of the UCA-UAICC Covenant
11-16 July: 17th Assembly meeting

Check out more dates across the year

Join us in prayer for

  • First and Second Peoples as we mark National Reconciliation Week. May there be celebration, deep listening, healing through justice and understanding through friendship.
  • Papua New Guinea following a devastating landslide, for comfort in grief and strength in recovery.
  • Displaced Palestinians sheltering in Rafah, and peace upon all in the Holy Land. Lord, hear our prayer.
  • Angola, Mozambique as part of the WCC Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.
Our weekly PowerPoint with stories, resources and prayer points for use in your weekly worship.

How are you marking National Reconciliation Week?


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