Friday, May 10, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Union Theological Seminary votes to divest from companies profiting from Gaza war

RNS Morning Report

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Union Theological Seminary votes to divest from companies profiting from Gaza war

NEW YORK (RNS) — Union, a private, ecumenical school that serves as Columbia University’s faculty of theology but maintains a separate endowment, is the first U.S. institute of higher education known to divest from the war in Gaza.

Haitian aid workers worry American Christians donors could worsen crisis

(RNS) — A network of five humanitarian organizations is working to convince American faith-based donors to shift their support away from funding for orphanages to focus on family-strengthening initiatives.

Harvard religion professor Diana Eck on pluralism’s changes, challenges

(RNS) — ‘I still think of myself as Christian, in the sense that that’s my family of origin,’ Eck said. ‘There are other families that I feel I belong to as well.’

Harvard Pluralism Project’s Diana Eck retires after decades of research, promoting dialogue

(RNS) — Eck said she hopes the Pluralism Project, which has been a model for affiliates and organizations across the country, will continue to foster dialogue and engagement.

RNS Opinion

Joan Nathan on cooking to remember, mourn and discover who we are

(RNS) — Both the new and the traditional are served in the Jewish cooking expert’s new dishes.

How faith leaders can get a grasp on the mental health crisis

(RNS) — Clergy can’t solve every congregant’s mental health problem, but we can be a conduit of information and help.


Grace College professor ousted after online commentators flag ‘woke’ social media posts

(RNS) — It’s the latest in a string professor terminations at Christian colleges seemingly tied to clashes over narrowing and often unspoken political and theological criteria.

Harlem church offers vegan cooking classes to promote healthy lifestyle

NEW YORK (RNS) – ‘We’re showing people that you can eat healthy and satisfy your taste buds,’ said Karen Phipps, director of the church’s health ministry.

In Other News


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