Wednesday, May 29, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Pope Francis apologizes for using homophobic slurs while saying ‘no’ to gay priests

RNS Morning Report

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Pope Francis apologizes for using homophobic slurs while saying ‘no’ to gay priests

(RNS) — The pope used the Italian term ‘frociaggine,’ a rarely used derogatory word to describe flamboyant gay attitudes.

In ‘Cops, Criminals and Christ’ podcast, undercover cop-turned-pastor shares his story

(RNS) — Sutherland says his encounters with criminals, drug addicts and dealers helped him grow spiritually as much as his time serving parishioners did.

Lag B’Omer pilgrimage to Tunisian synagogue chilled by Gaza war

(RNS) — A deeply held tradition among the Tunisian Jewish diaspora, it historically has drawn worshippers from the U.S., France and even Israel, despite the lack of official relations between Tunisia and the Jewish state.

Church places Matt Queen, former SBC seminary leader, on leave after federal charges

(RNS) — Leaders at Friendly Avenue Baptist Church said they support their pastor’s pledge to cooperate with authorities and will monitor the situation.

RNS Opinion

Pope Francis disappoints progressives. He will do so again.

(RNS) — Moving too quickly may blow up the church. Moving too slowly means losing the young.

Why faith communities are mobilizing against hate during Pride Month

(RNS) — While 2023 witnessed a frightening surge in hate, we know 2024 sadly has the potential to be even more alarming.


California hate crime hotline gives Hindus more evidence of shortfall in FBI reporting

(RNS) — A new report found that over the past year, crimes of anti-Hindu religious bias in California were more prevalent than ever. For many advocates, this data provides a jumping-off point for increased attention from the federal government to anti-Hindu hatred.

Carbon-dating of ancient tunics of Saints Peter and John separates legend from reality

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Carbon-dating done by the Vatican Museums shows that the relics could not have belonged to the saints.

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