Wednesday, May 1, 2024

RNS Morning Report: United Methodist conference begins to drop rules restricting LGBTQ clergy

RNS Morning Report

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United Methodist conference begins to drop contentious rules restricting LGBTQ clergy

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (RNS) — Among the rules overturned were a ban on bishops ordaining LGBTQ candidates for ministry, a ban on funding for LGBTQ affinity groups as well as a series of mandatory penalties for clergy who officiate same-sex weddings.

South Asian groups work to break cultural, religious stigmas around domestic violence

(RNS) — In Sexual Assault Awareness Month, advocates hope to reshape the conversation around intimate partner violence within the diaspora.

Arizona pro-Palestinian protesters sue, argue authorities violated their religious freedom

(RNS) — ‘We were doing nothing but standing on that piece of property, singing, chanting, praying in the road when we were dragged off,’ said the Rev. Seth Wispelwey.

Abducted retired Catholic bishop who mediated between cartels in Mexico is located, hospitalized

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The church leadership in Mexico said in a statement earlier that Msgr. Salvador Rangel, a bishop emeritus, disappeared on Saturday and called on his captors to release him.

RNS Opinion

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How unconditional support for Israel became a cornerstone of Jewish American identity

(RNS) — A new book shows how those who dissented were effectively sidelined.

Why faith-based groups are prone to sexual abuse and how they can get ahead of it

(RNS) — As Sexual Assault Awareness Month comes to a close, there are a few steps experts say every faith group can take to improve safeguarding protocols.

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