Tuesday, May 21, 2024

RNS Morning Report: In interview, Pope Francis calls out ‘madness’ of US anti-immigrant policies

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

In interview, Pope Francis calls out ‘madness’ of US anti-immigrant policies

(RNS) — The pope criticized the stance by conservative prelates who are 'closed up in a dogmatic box.'

New report finds ‘surge’ in corporate attention to religious diversity

(RNS) — More than 85% of Fortune 500 companies now include religion in their commitment to diversity, according to the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation.

City of Los Angeles proclaims May 19 ‘Father Greg Boyle Day’

LOS ANGELES (RNS) — The proclamation comes just two weeks after the priest who founded Homeboy Industries received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Joe Biden.

Why US Catholics are planning pilgrimages in communities across the nation

(AP) — The pilgrimage amounts to an effort to revive a type of mass devotion that was once more common in past generations of Catholicism in the U.S. and beyond.

RNS Opinion

Mosques that change to welcome families with disabilities change everything

(RNS) — Failure to welcome people living with disabilities marginalizes their families as well.

Latin Patriarch Pizzaballa’s visit provides Palestinians a basic human need: Hope

(RNS) — The visit is a reminder that the Gaza war is not a religious one and certainly not a Jewish-Muslim conflict.


Catholic diocesan hermit approved by Kentucky bishop comes out as transgender

(RNS) — Matson is thought to be the first openly transgender person in his position in the Catholic Church.

Vatican issues new norms to rein in supernatural phenomena

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Once left only to local bishops, the Vatican doctrinal office will now have the ultimate say on apparitions, miracles and the supernatural.

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