Friday, May 17, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Vatican to weigh in on the supernatural, Marian apparitions

RNS Morning Report

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Vatican to weigh in on the supernatural, Marian apparitions

(RNS) — This Friday, the Vatican will release a document with new norms for discerning Marian apparitions and other supernatural phenomena, the first time those norms have been updated since 1978.

AME official Jerome V. Harris dies under a cloud of alleged corruption

(RNS) — Harris, an important figure of the AME Church, died suddenly, according to a press release from the Christian Recorder, the church’s official publication.

A priest observed a ‘Eucharistic fast’ for racial justice. Now, he could be deposed.

(RNS) — Ramey, an activist against white supremacy and former rector of an Episcopal church in Alexandria, Virginia, has refused to preside over the Eucharist or to receive it personally since 2022.

Lawmakers unveil statue of Billy Graham in US Capitol

WASHINGTON (RNS) — Billy Graham’s son, the Rev. Franklin Graham, praised the statue but said his father ‘would want the focus to be on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.’

He won a Pulitzer for his book on the Israeli occupation. Then came the cancellations.

(RNS) — When the Pulitzers were announced on May 6, Nathan Thrall had to contend again with cancellations from venue organizers too skittish to feature a writer on a combustible subject.

RNS Opinion

On Nakba Day, some Palestinians dream of a single, secular state

(RNS) — People who reflexively invoke Israel’s right to exist conflate the right of a nation to exist with the right to oppress.

Widespread bullying of Sikh students isn’t just a Sikh problem

(RNS) — Curbing bias-based bullying means better-educated students and a more tolerant citizenry for our diverse nation.


PCA cancels anti-polarization panel with David French for being too polarizing

(RNS) — Leaders of the conservative denomination canceled the discussion of dealing with polarization after online backlash.

Bishop T.D. Jakes subject of AI-generated misinformation, says fact-finding website

(RNS) — A false rumor of Jakes’ resignation was ‘latest chapter in a months-old series of videos — many at least partially created with the assistance of artificial-intelligence tools,’ reported Snopes.

In Other News


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