Thursday, May 16, 2024

RNS Morning Report: PCA cancels anti-polarization panel with David French for being too polarizing

RNS Morning Report

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PCA cancels anti-polarization panel with David French for being too polarizing

(RNS) — Leaders of the conservative denomination canceled the discussion of dealing with polarization after online backlash.

Rastafarian whose locks were cut in prison appeals case to Supreme Court

(RNS) — Damon Landor, who is backed in the case by a broad range of faith organizations, argues the prison infringed on his religious rights. 

Bishop T.D. Jakes subject of AI-generated misinformation, says fact-finding website

(RNS) — A false rumor of Jakes’ resignation was ‘latest chapter in a months-old series of videos — many at least partially created with the assistance of artificial-intelligence tools,’ reported Snopes.

Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker rails against Pride month, working women in commencement speech

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The three-time Super Bowl champion delivered the roughly 20-minute address Saturday at the Catholic private liberal arts school in Atchison, Kansas.

RNS Opinion

Hagee: Antisemitism bill in Congress doesn’t violate Bible’s account of Jesus’ death

(RNS) — Members of Congress have claimed the legislation will stifle a false theology that ‘the Jews killed Jesus.’ 

What the dead teach us about life: A view from Islam’s last rites

(RNS) — ‘I wanted to confront death,’ a mother says after a profound loss. ‘Now it shows up with regularity.’


1,200 Jewish professors call on Senate to reject controversial antisemitism definition

(RNS) — The professors say the antisemitism bill's main thrust is to silence criticism of Israel.

FBI asked to join investigation of death of pastor’s wife, Mica Miller

(RNS) — Miller’s April 27 death has been the source of fierce controversy and widespread speculation.

In Other News


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