Friday, May 24, 2024

RNS Morning Report: How is the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag spotted at Alito’s house linked to Jan. 6?

RNS Morning Report

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How is the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag spotted at Alito’s house linked to Jan. 6?

(RNS) — ‘Throughout the Trump presidency, the flag became a symbol for Trump, for Christian America, for this insurgent Christian nationalism,’ says scholar Matthew Taylor.

MyChurchFinder is an online directory to Christian nationalist congregations

(RNS) — To receive an A rating, pastors must demonstrate that they lead a ‘biblically sound, culturally aware & non-socialistic legislatively active church.’ Failing to meet any of those criteria earns a church a ‘WNR’ — ‘Would Not Recommend.’

Vatican overturns Texas bishop’s dismissal of Carmelite nun but backs his investigation

(RNS) — Though returned to the Carmelite order, the former prioress of the Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity in Arlington, Texas, will not return to leadership of the monastery.

Court rules DC transit agency’s ban on religious ads violates First Amendment

(RNS) — The judge called the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s advertising guidelines ‘vague’ and not a ‘reasonable restriction on speech.’

White House hosts fourth annual Vesak celebration

(RNS) — President Joe Biden’s administration has been the first to mark the Buddhist holiday at the White House.

RNS Opinion

Three Catholic bishops and a nun walk into the White House. Here’s why it’s no joke.

(RNS) — We commit grave harm against ourselves through environmental destruction and we go against God’s plan for us.

An ancient manuscript up for sale gives a glimpse into the history of early Christianity

(The Conversation) — A collection of manuscripts from ancient Egypt reveals the variety of early Christian scriptures before the consolidation of the Bible.


Despite pope’s clear ‘no’ on CBS, promoters of women deacons hold out hope

(RNS) — While they emphasized their resolve and hope, advocates for women deacons also expressed surprise and dismay at the interview. 

Have the nones jumped the shark? Maybe.

(RNS) — Since the mid-2000s, the nones — Americans who claim no religion — have been the fastest-growing segment of the religious landscape. But that rapid growth may be slowing.

In Other News


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