Thursday, May 23, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Former Southwestern Seminary professor Matt Queen indicted

RNS Morning Report

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A priest’s kidnapping in South Sudan heightens fear among clergy in the country

JUBA, South Sudan (RNS) — Dozens of church leaders have been kidnapped or killed by government soldiers or rebel fighters in the decade since the civil war began.

Retired judge finds no reliable evidence against Quebec cardinal; purported victim declines to talk

ROME (AP) — The allegations were contained in an amended class-action lawsuit filed in Canadian court against 100 current and former church personnel of the archdiocese.

Have the nones jumped the shark? Maybe.

(RNS) — Since the mid-2000s, the nones — Americans who claim no religion — have been the fastest-growing segment of the religious landscape. But that rapid growth may be slowing.

RNS Opinion

Ivan Boesky was not good for the Jews

(RNS) — The word is ‘shanda.’ Ivan Boesky embodied it.

The rise of the Catholic bully

(RNS) — If Bishop Robert Barron wants to distance himself from Trump, bullying is not the way to do it.


Pope Francis, Cardinal Parolin voice hope for future of Chinese-Vatican relations

(RNS) — The pope spoke at a conference underlining the need for Catholic faithful to balance faith and patriotic loyalty.

A new book argues most white US Christians worship a religion of whiteness

(RNS) — Michael Emerson and Glenn Bracey depict a Christianity that worships a white Jesus and a set of sacred symbols, including the flag, the cross and, increasingly, guns.

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