Wednesday, May 22, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Former Southwestern Seminary professor Matt Queen indicted

RNS Morning Report

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Former Southwestern Seminary professor Matt Queen indicted

(RNS) —The indictment is the first public acknowledgment from the U.S. Department of Justice that it is investigating the SBC and its entities.

Anglican bishop deposed for inappropriate relationships amid calls for transparency

(RNS) — As Bishop Todd Atkinson is ousted from the Anglican Church in North America, clergy and laity are calling for updates on the trial of another Anglican bishop, Stewart Ruch.

A new book argues most white US Christians worship a religion of whiteness

(RNS) — Michael Emerson and Glenn Bracey depict a Christianity that worships a white Jesus and a set of sacred symbols, including the flag, the cross and, increasingly, guns.

Pope Francis, Cardinal Parolin voice hope for future of Chinese-Vatican relations

(RNS) — The pope spoke at a conference underlining the need for Catholic faithful to balance faith and patriotic loyalty.

RNS Opinion

Pastoral pope shines through in CBS News’ interview

(RNS) — CBS News has given the American people a unique opportunity to see the pope as he is.

How an inspired Orthodox rabbi used arranged marriage to curb Tay-Sachs disease

(RNS) — Tragedy can be a potential nurturer of blessing.


New report finds ‘surge’ in corporate attention to religious diversity

(RNS) — More than 85% of Fortune 500 companies now include religion in their commitment to diversity, according to the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation.

Why US Catholics are planning pilgrimages in communities across the nation

(AP) — The pilgrimage amounts to an effort to revive a type of mass devotion that was once more common in past generations of Catholicism in the U.S. and beyond.

In Other News


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