Friday, May 24, 2024

GA News - Everything you need to know about GA

Get ready for GA with us! Our award-winning reporting team is back at it again, offering bulletin inserts to transform the pre-GA frenzy into a simple, manageable sheet of paper.

But that's not all! We're also hosting an exciting conversation with the candidates standing for moderator. Learn more about submitting questions for the free webinar below.

Get ahead of the curve and keep your congregation in the loop for the upcoming 2024 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Climate change, gun violence, LGBTQIA+ inclusion, race relations, small church ministry, and the unification of key Presbyterian bodies: These are just a glimpse of the crucial topics up for discussion this summer at #GA226. And let’s not forget the pivotal nominations for a new stated clerk and new (co)moderators, setting the course for the denomination’s collective journey. GA 2024 promises to be a crucible of action and insight.

Ensure your congregation is equipped with the insights they need with our exclusive bulletin inserts. Crafted by Outlook’s seasoned, award-winning reporting team, these inserts will deliver fast, accurate, and fair reporting straight to your inbox. As an independent magazine, our commitment to unbiased journalism ensures that your community will receive the news without an agenda.

Empower your congregation with knowledge. Prepare them to engage thoughtfully, prayerfully and proactively with the decisions and discussions shaping Presbyterian identity for years to come.

Pre-order your bulletin inserts today.

Learn more

Join Outlook editor Teri McDowell Ott in a conversation with the candidates standing for moderator of the 226th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) on June 6, 2024, at 7 pm ET.

For years, the Presbyterian Outlook has been a trusted space for providing information and fostering conversations about the General Assembly and PC(USA) governance. We continue that tradition this year.

Our webinar is an opportunity to hear directly from the moderator candidates about their visions for our church’s future. For commissioners preparing for GA, this insight will be incredibly valuable as you prepare to cast your vote. For the public, this conversation will provide important context for what the next several years may have in store for the denomination.

Since this is a conversation to serve the public, we would love to hear from you as we craft our questions. Please submit your questions to us here.

This webinar is a pay-what-you-can format. However, you must "purchase" a ticket through our store to get the link!

We're talking about all this and more during a Facebook live conversation this Thursday at 3:30 p.m. 

Join Outlook Social Media Producer Jesy Littlejohn, Editor/Publisher Teri McDowell Ott and Managing Editor Dartinia Hull as they talk all things GA, and what the Outlook is looking to report on this summer. You can add to the conversation by leaving us comments!

You'll find this live video on our Facebook home page on Thursday at 3:30 p.m. or as a recording on our page after the fact.
Copyright © 2024 Presbyterian Outlook, All rights reserved.

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