Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - 17th Assembly papers out now, Federal Budget response 💰, dive into the Act2 report, get ready for #UnitinginPrayer & more: National Update 15-21 May

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15-21 May 2024

National Update

Your weekly snapshot of the Uniting Church in Australia 

Our Featured Story


Assembly reports and papers out now

With just two months before 17th Assembly members gather in Sydney, the first tranche of reports and proposals for the national triennial meeting have been released.

Among 18 documents now available for all church members to read is the significant report from Act2, titled Act2: The Gift of the Spirit (see more below), as well as reports from the Assembly Standing Committee, including updates from the SOGICE and Continuing Witness task groups, and the Net Zero Emissions Steering Group. There are also reports from Assembly agencies and other national ministries such as the Defence Chaplaincy and National Historical Society.

The 17th Assembly will be convened from 11-16 July on Burramattagal lands at the Novotel Parramatta. More than 250 members from across the church will come together, form community and discern where God's spirit is calling the Church.

Please continue to pray for all those preparing for the 17th Assembly meeting and for members as they begin to carefully read papers and prepare themselves faithfully for the discernment journey ahead.

Further papers will be released soon. Stay tuned on the 17th Assembly website.
Read the papers


Assembly response to the Federal Budget

The Uniting Church in Australia welcomes the clear commitment in the Federal Budget to relieve cost of living pressures for Australians, while noting more needs to be done for the most vulnerable in our community including those on income support payments.


The final report of the Act2 Project is out now

The final report of the Act2 Project, 'Act2: The Gift of the Spirit', has now been released to 17th Assembly members and the wider Uniting Church. A major piece of work on the life and future of the Uniting Church, the report puts forward a vision in three different areas and includes an integrated set of proposals to the 17th Assembly. Stay tuned as we prepare to launch the report as an interactive website in the coming days.
Image: 'For the Future', an illustration commissioned by the Act2 Project from Melbourne-based illustrator Cat MacInnes. Read more here.


Uniting in Prayer 2024 begins this Sunday

Pentecost Sunday this weekend kicks off Uniting in Prayer, 35 days of prayer and reflection across the national Uniting Church. You can get involved by hosting worship and prayer events, contacting your prayer partners through the national prayer chain, praying together at home and joining an online prayer gathering on 29 May. Find five ways to get involved and download all the resources from the Assembly website.


Welcome and Safety: new SOGICE resource

A new resource is designed to support church members and ministry agents in helping prevent harm from what has become known as SOGICE (sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts), also referred to as 'conversion therapy'. The resource, 'Welcome and Safety for All', emerged from a task group appointed by the 16th Assembly meeting in 2022 and acknowledges the trauma caused by SOGICE for many people within the LBGTIQA+ community, particularly in church settings. It includes biblical and pastoral perspectives, case studies and links to helpful resources and websites.


Jan Richardson on Dwelling

We are thrilled to release the latest episode of the President's podcast Dwelling which features renowned author and artist Jan Richardson! Jan is an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church and a writer of beautiful blessings which may be familiar to many in the Uniting Church. In this wonderful conversation, Jan and Rev Sharon Hollis speak about life, grief, relationships and their shared experience of loss.


Meet the wonderful Jess Morthorpe

Jessica Morthorpe is the founder of the Five Leaf Eco Awards, an initiative encouraging churches to take action for the environment. In this week's edition of Humans of the Uniting Church, she shares her deep passion for ecotheology, the importance of climate pastoral care and why she's found a church home within the UCA. Jess is a tireless advocate for God's creation and we hope you are deeply encouraged and convicted by her message.

Uniting Communities making bold steps towards net zero
In our ongoing series of #TowardsZero good news climate stories across the Uniting Church, we're heading to Uniting Communities - South Australia's first certified carbon-neutral organisation. Hear from Lee Sauerwald, Uniting Communities' Executive Director of Corporate Services, about how this agency is supporting a fairer, greener future for all.
Pray online with the NCCA
The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) is hosting a lunchtime devotion with prayer and reflection to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which began in Australia on Sunday. You're invited to join online tomorrow Thursday 16 May at 12:30pm (AEST). Register for the Zoom here. The NCCA has provided this wide range of resources for marking the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Around the Uniting Church

Pomonal rises from the ashes

In this great read originally published in Crosslight, Pastor Damien Tann writes about how the Pomonal Community Uniting Church played a crucial community role after fire ripped through the regional Victorian town in February.

More from Crosslight

MediaCom Education

Two new books for disciples

MediaCom Education is marking the Easter season with two new releases focussed on deepening Christian discipleship and action, including a new book of reflections from the Uniting Church's own Rev Dr Chris Walker.

See more


UnitingCare Budget response

In its response to the Federal Budget released last night, UnitingCare Australia has welcomed cost-of-living relief and the permanent Leaving Violence Payment but has expressed concern about delays in long-called for aged care reform.

Read the media release

World Council of Churches

Asian Ecumenical Institute

Applications are now open for the Asian Ecumenical Institute, jointly organised by the World Council of Churches and the Christian Conference of Asia. The month-long ecumenical formation training course is for people aged 25-35.

Apply now
In case you missed it...
News and story highlights from the last couple of weeks


Discipleship Pastor - Gerringong Uniting Church

Gerringong UC seeks an entrepreneur with a missionary heart to disciple people in Christ and draw them into life giving expressions of Christian community.

Accountant - UC Synod of Western Australia

A great opportunity for an experienced Accountant to join the Business and Finance team at the UC Synod of WA, based at the Uniting Church centre in East Perth.

Upcoming Dates

1-31 May: Domestic Violence Prevention Month
12-19 May: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
15 May: International Day of Families
19 May: Pentecost
20-26 May: National Volunteer Week
27 May - 2 June: National Reconciliation Week

Check out more dates across the year

Join us in prayer for

  • Uniting Church communities as we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit this Pentecost.
  • Those making decisions about how the common wealth of our nation can benefit the most vulnerable people who most need support and can contribute to the common good.
  • The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul experiencing catastrophic floods.
  • 17th Assembly members preparing for the discernment to take place in July.
  • Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal as part of the WCC Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.
Our weekly PowerPoint with stories, resources and prayer points for use in your weekly worship.

Do you know a Uniting Church community with a great story to share? Nominate them to be featured!


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