Friday, May 24, 2024

Weekly Outlook - Exegesis exams: "The time for review is now"

Dear readers, 

"I don't see any other editors jumping over phones," Teri McDowell Ott joked with Dartinia Hull and me in the lobby of Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago. 

She was right. We were in a room full of magazine editors, and we were the only ones jumping over a phone. It was for a trend-inspired video that social media producer Jesy Littlejohn was editing together (click through this story to see it).

We like being a small staff in many ways. It's easy to pull the curtain back and show our readers the personalities behind the magazine and website. So, we jump over phones!

The point of the video was also to showcase that the Outlook staff was together at the Best of the Christian Press Awards. It turned out to be an exciting evening. This year, 67 organizations submitted 821 entries to the 76 categories — and the Outlook was acknowledged with 10 awards! You probably will recognize some of the awarded articles, magazine issues and writers.

It may seem like a marketing ploy for us to promote these awards. And, I suppose, in some ways it is — we can say we are an award-winning staff! But I have to tell you, we are proud of this recognition. I am proud. Because we work hard to tell the story of the church, to be helpful to our readers, to create something beautiful. And it's lovely to have someone tell you, even if it's with a piece of paper, "You did a really good job."

So, celebrate with us! Jump over a phone if you like. And then we'll continue to do the work to which we are called. 

In Christ,

Rose Schrott Taylor
Outlook digital content editor

P.S. Join Outlook staffers Teri McDowell Ott, Dartinia Hull and Jesy Littlejohn today at 3:30 pm EST on Facebook Live to learn about the stories coming GA and how the Outlook plans to cover them! You can find the video on our homepage, where it will also be archived. 

Exegesis exams: “The time for review is now.” by Rob Lowry, PCC chair
Presbyterian Outlook receives 10 Best of the Christian Press Awards by Rose Schrott Taylor
Pastoring in a secular age: Confessions of a recovering deist by Andy Kadzban
Kendrick vs. Drake and the parallels with Christian integrity by Chris Burton

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