Friday, May 31, 2024

RNS Morning Report: With strawberries and goats, a ‘farmastery’ reaches out to its neighbors

RNS Morning Report

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With strawberries and goats, a ‘farmastery’ reaches out to its neighbors

HILLSBOROUGH, N.C. (RNS) — Part of the new monastic movement began three decades ago among lay Protestants, Spring Forest is a model for how Christians can work, eat and worship as a community.

Adults raised in the ‘Christian parenting empire’ of the ’70s-’90s push back

(RNS) — Leveraging social media, these parents and professionals aim to show that this parenting approach can result in trauma, estrangement and views of God as abusive.

‘Bad Faith’ sounds the alarm on the past and future of Christian nationalism

(RNS) — Filmmakers Stephen Ujlaki and Chris Jones trace the origins of Christian nationalism from the Ku Klux Klan to the election of Donald Trump.

A nurse honored for compassion is fired after referring to Gaza ‘genocide’ in speech

NEW YORK (AP) — The nurse, who is Palestinian American, was being honored for her compassion in caring for mothers who had lost babies when she drew a link between her work and the suffering of mothers in Gaza.

RNS Opinion

Christian ethics has long supported disability justice. Today, we need to do more.

(RNS) — Catholics and others must fight for a broader ideal of disability justice.

At ‘Christ at the Checkpoint,’ Palestinian Christians rail against Western church’s response to war

(RNS) — Attendees at a conference called for global church leaders to be held accountable for one-sided support for Israel.


‘The Chosen’ announces release of Season Four, parts ways with Angel Studios

(RNS) — Series creator Dallas Jenkins told RNS The Chosen LLC and Angel Studios had ‘different ideas of how to interpret both the contract and what’s going to sustain us in our future.’

Christian organizations come together to take boycott, divestment action as Rafah campaign continues

(RNS) — ‘A core practice of nonviolent resistance, including within our tradition, is economic non-cooperation with injustice,’ the Christian organizations wrote.

In Other News


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