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Religion News Service Audio - When religion journalists tell you what they really think.

Yinz have got to listen to this–

Sunday, April 28

Religion beat excitement...

It was a hot time in Pittsburgh, site of the annual Religion News Association gathering. Saved By The City brings you two takes and a provocation from the proceedings: Julie Roys, from the Roys Report, talking investigative reporting on scandalous religion, Kate Shellnutt, of Christianity Today, with a few thoughts on pastors wearing jeans, and Sarah Riccardi-Swartz, professor of religion at Northeastern University, delivering the receipts on Eastern Orthodoxy’s emerging manosphere.

The new kid on the block, Money, Meet Meaning brings YNAB (You Need A Budget) founder Jesse Mecham to talk about why a budget is not a straightjacket, and why giving is the ultimate challenge to the power money has in our lives. If  you want more of your money to work harder and smarter for you, check out this week’s episode.

Meanwhile, on The State of Belief, host Paul Brandeis Raushenbush speaks with Jim Wallis about his book “The False White Gospel.” Wallis reflects on his 50 years of social justice ministry and the current political moment, emphasizing the need for faith communities to take a stand. Wallis shares an unforgettable story of being surrounded by hostile policemen in a cathedral with the late Bishop Desmond Tutu in apartheid South Africa - and the surprising words Tutu spoke before breaking into a dance!

Scandalous religion. Eastern Orthodoxy in the manosphere. Katelyn and Roxy bring you all the hot takes from the Religion News Association.
Can a budget bring you peace? Tom and Amber find out how with YNAB founder Jesse Mecham.
In this episode of The State of Belief host Rev. Raushenbush speaks with Jim Wallis about his book "The False White Gospel".
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