Wednesday, May 15, 2024

RNS Morning Report: FBI asked to join investigation of death of pastor’s wife, Mica Miller

RNS Morning Report

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FBI asked to join investigation of death of pastor’s wife, Mica Miller

(RNS) — Miller’s April 27 death has been the source of fierce controversy and widespread speculation.

1,200 Jewish professors call on Senate to reject controversial antisemitism definition

(RNS) — The professors say the antisemitism bill's main thrust is to silence criticism of Israel.

Texas megachurch hits the brakes after trying to skew a traffic study

(RNS)— Critics call the latest controversy at Lakepointe Church in Rockwall, Texas, one more sign of dishonesty from its leaders.

Former Trump official Elizabeth Neumann wants to combat Christian extremism

(RNS) — 'We've reordered, if you will, in the incorrect order: Politics is the premier as opposed to our trust and faith in Jesus,' said the extremism expert.

RNS Opinion

How the anime Demon Slayer films are driving ‘pop religion’ in Japan

(Sightings) — The recent anime film both draws inspiration from Japanese religions and functions as a source of inspiration for religious practices.

Can Zionism be spiritual?

(RNS) — A clue in The New York Times crossword puzzle opens up a world of meaning.


Lawsuit alleges religious coercion through meditation in Chicago Public Schools

(RNS) — Chicago public high school students allege they were coerced into participating in a Hindu puja ceremony as part of a multiyear study of Transcendental Meditation's ability to reduce crime from University of Chicago's Urban Labs and the David Lynch Foundation.

Tornado rips steeple off Pennsylvania church during worship service

FINLEYVILLE, Pennsylvania (RNS) — 'God had his hand on us,' one of the pastors told Religion News Service.

In Other News


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