Thursday, May 30, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Defending Modi, Indian Americans work to educate Americans and their media

RNS Morning Report

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Defending Modi, Indian Americans work to educate Americans and their media

LOS ANGELES (RNS) — With Prime Minister Narendra Modi expected to win a third term in elections now underway in India, supporters in the United States are fighting what they say are misperceptions of his regime.

‘The Chosen’ announces release of Season Four, parts ways with Angel Studios

(RNS) — Series creator Dallas Jenkins told RNS The Chosen LLC and Angel Studios had ‘different ideas of how to interpret both the contract and what’s going to sustain us in our future.’

Christian organizations come together to take boycott, divestment action as Rafah campaign continues

(RNS) — ‘A core practice of nonviolent resistance, including within our tradition, is economic non-cooperation with injustice,’ the Christian organizations wrote.

SBC seminary says former staffer ordered sex assault report destroyed

(RNS) — The president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary says former chief of staff Heath Woolman told another staffer to make the report of a sexual assault ‘go away.’

RNS Opinion

Mainline Protestant clergy are increasingly pro-Palestinian. Their congregants may not follow.

(RNS) — Will mainline leaders be swayed by their silent pro-Israel majorities?

When childless becomes grandchildless

(RNS) — New versions of the old wonderings begin all over again.


Church places Matt Queen, former SBC seminary leader, on leave after federal charges

(RNS) — Leaders at Friendly Avenue Baptist Church said they support their pastor’s pledge to cooperate with authorities and will monitor the situation.

Pope Francis apologizes for using homophobic slurs while saying ‘no’ to gay priests

(RNS) — The pope used the Italian term ‘frociaggine,’ a rarely used derogatory word to describe flamboyant gay attitudes.

In Other News


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