Friday, May 17, 2024

Weekly Outlook - Coming to GA: Israel/Palestine & climate justice

Dear readers, 

Today, I pray that you are able to see the Spirit at work all around you — in community, in creation, in the work of the church. Know that God goes with you into all of the unknowns of this time and Christ's grace covers you.

In Christ,

Rose Schrott Taylor
Outlook digital content editor

PC(USA)’s engagement with Israel/Palestine at the 226th General Assembly by 
Eric Ledermann
Pastoring in a secular age: Confessions of a recovering deist by Andy Kadzban
An Outlook-exclusive video from #GA226 co-moderator candidates Marian McClure Taylor and Danny Morales
#GA226 environmental and climate justice committee preview by Gregg Brekke

In case you missed it...

When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity
"The pervasive images of a White Jesus and language that presents a White male God, further emphasize the assimilationist attitude that was and is prevalent in Western culture." — Jo Wiersema

Union Theological Seminary votes to divest from companies profiting from Gaza war
Union, a private, ecumenical school that serves as Columbia University’s faculty of theology but maintains a separate endowment, is the first U.S. institute of higher education known to divest from the war in Gaza. — Fiona Murphy

A hymn-prayer in response to student protests
"A Widow Faced a Justice Test," by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, reflects on the recent wave of U.S. students protesting the abuse of Palestinians.

After vote to repeal LGBTQ bans, many gay Methodists are now fully out
On the first Sunday after the conclusion of the denomination’s General Conference, many queer United Methodists celebrated their release from the tight and narrow spaces that had confined them. — Yonat Shimron

Controversial antisemitism bills are passing, and not only in the US House
A North Carolina bill known as the Shalom Act is similar to the Antisemitism Awareness Act that passed the U.S. House of Representatives recently. — Yonat Shimron

2025-26 unifying budget proposal clears its last hurdle on the way to the 226th General Assembly
Unification Commission gives the proposal its unanimous blessing. The commission will present the unifying budget to the GA next month. —Mike Ferguson

Join Faith and Money Network on a Trip of Perspective to Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi. On the Deep South Investors Tour, we will deepen our understanding of racial inequity and learn how we can participate in solutions that build wealth for Black Americans.

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