Tuesday, May 28, 2024

RNS Morning Report: These three anti-Zionists were just ordained as rabbis

RNS Morning Report

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These three anti-Zionists were just ordained as rabbis

(RNS) — The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College still defines itself as Zionist and is committed to Israel's existence and its right to self defense. But it is also open to other perspectives.

American missionary couple, Haitian mission director killed by gangs in Haiti

(RNS) — Natalie and Davy Lloyd relocated from Oklahoma to Haiti in 2022 to work for Missions in Haiti, Inc. The third person killed was the Haitian director of the organization, Jude Montis. 

Latinos play an important role in environmental movement, Georgetown panel says

WASHINGTON (RNS) — 'Latinos are poised to be leaders in their communities and nationally on environmental issues,' said one panelist at this week's Latino Leader Gathering sponsored by Georgetown’s Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life.

California hate crime hotline gives Hindus more evidence of shortfall in FBI reporting

(RNS) — A new report found that over the past year, crimes of anti-Hindu religious bias in California were more prevalent than ever. For many advocates, this data provides a jumping-off point for increased attention from the federal government to anti-Hindu hatred.

Carbon-dating of ancient tunics of Saints Peter and John separates legend from reality

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Carbon-dating done by the Vatican Museums shows that the relics could not have belonged to the saints.

RNS Opinion

Why the UMC took a historic stand and condemned Hindu nationalism

(RNS) — The United Methodist Church is saying that we will not stand by silently while people are persecuted because of their faith and their conscience.

Why Poland’s new government is challenged by abortion

(The Conversation) — Many Poles were outraged by abortion restrictions put in place during the previous government. That doesn’t mean they agree on the path forward.


Court rules DC transit agency’s ban on religious ads violates First Amendment

(RNS) — The judge called the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s advertising guidelines ‘vague’ and not a ‘reasonable restriction on speech.’

White House hosts fourth annual Vesak celebration

(RNS) — President Joe Biden’s administration has been the first to mark the Buddhist holiday at the White House.

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