Monday, May 20, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Catholic diocesan hermit approved by Kentucky bishop comes out as transgender

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Catholic diocesan hermit approved by Kentucky bishop comes out as transgender

(RNS) — Matson is thought to be the first openly transgender person in his position in the Catholic Church.

Photos of the Week: Bun Festival; Billy Graham statue

(RNS) — This week’s photo gallery includes an annual Hong Kong Bun Festival, a new sculpture of the Rev. Billy Graham in Statuary Hall and more.

Vatican issues new norms to rein in supernatural phenomena

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Once left only to local bishops, the Vatican doctrinal office will now have the ultimate say on apparitions, miracles and the supernatural.

Afro-Cuban drums, Muslim prayers, Buddhist mantras: Religious diversity blooms in once-atheist Cuba

HAVANA (AP) — Today, diverse beliefs can be found mixed together on altars in homes, with the Virgin Mary sharing space with a ceramic Buddha and a warrior spirit from the Afro-Cuban faith.

RNS Opinion

Harrison Butker’s commencement speech almost made a good point

(RNS) — Harrison Butker can tell something is off about how we think about work. He just thinks it's all women's fault.

The meaning of an Orthodox Christian deaconess’s ordination may depend on where you live

(RNS) — In Africa, an attempt to distance a decision about mission from the East-West culture war.


A priest observed a ‘Eucharistic fast’ for racial justice. Now, he could be deposed.

(RNS) — Ramey, an activist against white supremacy and former rector of an Episcopal church in Alexandria, Virginia, has refused to preside over the Eucharist or to receive it personally since 2022.

Lawmakers unveil statue of Billy Graham in US Capitol

WASHINGTON (RNS) — Billy Graham’s son, the Rev. Franklin Graham, praised the statue but said his father ‘would want the focus to be on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.’

In Other News


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