Monday, May 13, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Amid surge of campus protests, chaplains find reason for hope in their students

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Amid surge of campus protests, chaplains find reason for hope in their students

(RNS) — The chaplains at Ivy League and other top schools say the students have learned about the concerns of other faiths, while finding ways to express their own.

After Hagia Sophia, Turkey converts a second ancient Byzantine church into a mosque

ISTANBUL (RNS) — Muslim worshippers at the mosque on Friday said they viewed Chora Church's rededication as an Islamic site to be a national win for Turkey.

Photos of the Week: Swiss Guards; Holocaust Remembrance

(RNS) — This week’s photo gallery includes new Swiss Guards at the Vatican, Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorations and more.

Have the courage to have children despite climate change and wars, Pope Francis says

(RNS) — The pontiff asked nations to help women juggle motherhood and work, create job security for young people and help couples buy homes.

RNS Opinion

OK, GOP, let’s put that antisemitism definition into effect!

(RNS) — Maybe there's an upside to the Republican effort to codify it.

Why are Jews afraid?

(RNS) — Are Jewish fears over the top?


Haitian aid workers worry American Christian donors could worsen crisis

(RNS) — A network led by seven humanitarian organizations is working to convince American faith-based donors to shift their support away from funding for orphanages to focus on family-strengthening initiatives.

Union Theological Seminary votes to divest from companies profiting from Gaza war

NEW YORK (RNS) — Union, a private, ecumenical school that serves as Columbia University’s faculty of theology but maintains a separate endowment, is the first U.S. institute of higher education known to divest from the war in Gaza.

In Other News


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