Monday, May 20, 2024

Fresh stories from RNS Audio! 🎧

When great ideas are simple at heart

Monday, May 20


Another fresh podcast, “Complexified” has come to RNS Audio this week! 

This week’s RNS audio focuses on the joy of simplicity, beginning with Money, Meet Meaning’s fifth episode. Tom and Amber unpack the simple virtues of the humble credit union this week, with the Rev. Winnie Varghese who spearheaded the drive to establish a credit union to serve the unbanked  in the heart of New York City’s Financial District. 

On this season’s last episode of Saved By The City, Katelyn & Roxy talk to author and NPR producer Rhaina Cohen about how friendships make for simpler, more functional households than the deep set dramas of the nuclear family. 

 The State of Belief brings us Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush talking with Eric K. Ward, executive vice president at Race Forward, about the way the basic, DIY ethic of the punk rock scene taught him about opposing white supremacist and antisemitic forces.

Finally, on the RNS network’s newest pod, Complexified, Amanda Henderson and Steven Newcomb discuss the Doctrine of Discovery, a 15th century papal bull that has driven the social and political fate of Indigenous Americans ever since .


This week, Tom and Amber talk with Rev. Winnie Varghese about economic justice and its scriptural roots.
On this episode, Katelyn and Roxy take another look at the early church in Acts and ask: What if they had it right all along and why have we so persistently ignored their model?
State of Belief host Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush talks with Eric K. Ward, Executive Vice President at Race Forward, about lessons he learned in the Punk scene in the face of White supremacist and antisemitic forces.
Amanda Henderson and Steven Newcomb discuss the Doctrine of Discovery and the ways in which religion has affected the social and political frameworks among Native nations and the United States government.
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