Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - Remembering our commitments on family violence🚫, week of action for climate🌱, Synod flags Treaty support & more in National Update 11-17 September

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11-17 September 2024

National Update

Your weekly snapshot of the Uniting Church in Australia 

Our Featured Story


Remembering our commitments on domestic and family violence

Last week, President of the Uniting Church Rev Charissa Suli had the privilege of attending the ‘Faith, Hope, Love’ conference in Melbourne, bringing together churches and faith leaders for the prevention of family violence.

Later that week, on Friday afternoon, the Albanese Government announced $4.7 billion in funding for frontline family violence supports. In a statement that day, the President welcomed the announcement as a bold step in the right direction.

“Domestic and family violence is one of the most urgent and pressing social issues facing our nation. We need more than words to protect women and children and prevent violence. We need practical support, systemic change and robust policies.”

In this article, the President reflects on the conference, the Government's commitments and our own, as we seek to be part of the change for a more safe and equal world.

Read more


Get involved in the Multifaith Week of Action for Climate Justice

Next Tuesday 17 September, senior faith leaders will make a stand at high profile places of worship around the country, sending a message to our leaders: No more coal and gas. These events are part of the Multifaith Week of Climate Action from 14-24 September when momentum will gather around a call to move boldly and rapidly away from coal and gas and towards a sustainable future. Your congregation can come and stand with our faith leaders, or join in locally with these banners.


Synod of Victoria and Tasmania resolves support for Treaty process

The Standing Committee of the Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania has adopted a statement of support for the Victorian Treaty process. The statement commits the Synod to advocate in support of Treaty, collaborate with the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria and continue to educate congregations and faith communities. Read the pastoral letter from Moderator Rev David Fotheringham.


"Grieve the lack of peace and justice"

The National Council of Churches in Australia has released a new statement ahead of the World Week of Prayer for Peace in Palestine and Israel (16-22 September). "Our sustained prayer is needed to bring an end to the violence and humanitarian catastrophe of the displaced and detained people in Gaza," writes President Rev John Gilmore.


UCA represents at Pacific gathering of Methodist and Uniting Church Women

The World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women recently completed its South Pacific Area Seminar, held in Samoa, where the Uniting Church in Australia was represented by Rev Carmel Ieraci, Minister of the Word at Wesley Castle Hill Uniting Church, and Margaret Pedler, final Chairperson of the Uniting Church Adult Fellowship (UCAF) committee. Read the story and see photos here.


Sydney Korean Uniting Church celebrates 50 years

A joyful celebration on Sunday 8 September as the Sydney Korean Uniting Church marked 50 years of ministry. SKUC was the first Korean church in Sydney, The service was attended by Uniting Church President Rev Charissa Suli, NSW/ACT Moderator Rev Mata Havea Hiliau, Chair of the Korean National Conference Rev Myung Hwa Park among others. Read more about the celebration and see more photos here.


A resource for the International Day of Peace

The Justice and International Mission Cluster in the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania has released a new resource for the International Day of Peace on 21 September. It includes prayers for peace, actions and reflections, and outlines the resolutions of the Uniting Church Assembly which have expressed our commitment to peacemaking.


Roles with the Pacific Conference of Churches

There are currently a number of signficant roles available within the Secretariat of the Pacific Conference of Churches. Click to download Position Descriptions:

Around the Uniting Church

Formation for all

Rev Dr Cathie Lambert, Formation and Learning Coordinator in the Synod of Western Australia, reflects in this article on what we mean by 'formation' and who we think it is for.

Uniting Church Studies

Ministry masterclass regos

The first in an ongoing series of Ministry Masterclasses will be hosted by Uniting Church Studies and focus on Salvation, Discipleship and Evangelism. Registrations are now open.

In case you missed it...
News and story highlights from the last couple of weeks


Digital Records Assistant - UC Synod of Vic/Tas

A role for someone with excellent data entry skills and a keen eye for detail who enjoys project work.

Administrative Officer - Wesley Uniting Church Forrest

An opportunity for an enthusiastic, friendly person to provide support to the office manager.

Upcoming Dates

1 September-4 October: Season of Creation
14-24 September: ARRCC Week of Action for Climate Justice
12 September: R U OK? Day
13-15 September: Synod of Western Australia - Synod Meeting
16-22 September: World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel
21 September: International Day of Peace

Check out the 2024 Assembly Calendar more dates across the year

Join us in prayer for

  • All those in our wider community who work at the coalface of domestic and family violence support, and those in our church who educate, advocate, and nuture hope and safety.
  • All those involved in Treaty negotiations and advocacy, and their allies.
  • The Synod of Western Australia as it gathers for its meeting this weekend.
  • Ghana, Nigeria as part of the WCC Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.

How are you celebrating the Season of Creation?


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