Tuesday, September 17, 2024

RNS Morning Report: ‘Haitians are not eating pets’: Springfield faith leaders stand with embattled migrants

RNS Morning Report

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‘Haitians are not eating pets’: Springfield faith leaders stand with embattled migrants

SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (RNS) — 'It was a tough week,' said Harold Herard, a Haitian community leader in Springfield and visitor at Central Christian Church on Sunday. 'But today, we feel free.'

New survey points to correlation between Christian nationalism and authoritarian views

(RNS) — A large majority of Christian nationalism supporters scored high on authoritarianism assessments.

Want to succeed as a leader? Ask for help, says Joni Eareckson Tada

(RNS) — It's a lesson the artist, author and nonprofit leader has lived for most of her life, ever since being paralyzed as a teenager.

Pope Francis to ask forgiveness for church’s sins ahead of historic Vatican summit

(RNS) — In October, the pope will preside over a penitential celebration asking forgiveness for abuse, sins against migrants and the environment and sins against women and youth.

RNS Opinion

Pay attention to what Trump lies about most

(RNS) — Outlandish? Yes. Farcical? Absolutely. But also sinister and revealing.

What are halal mortgages?

(The Conversation) — The access to halal mortgages, which provide interest-free housing loans, has been growing in the US.


Funeral for son of Ukraine chief rabbi cited as rebuke to Putin’s claims of ‘de-nazification’

(RNS) — The death of Anton Samborskyi distilled the widening impact of the conflict with Russia in all corners of Ukrainian society.

Lance Wallnau, first to ‘prophesy’ Trump’s presidency, is back to vanquish anti-Trump demons

(RNS) — The modern-day 'prophet' and coiner of the phrase '7 Mountain Mandate' has helped to bring the influential Pentecostal group New Apostolic Reformation from the fringes of American Christianity to the heart of US politics.

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