Friday, September 27, 2024

RNS Morning Report: A word about our website redesign

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

A word about our website redesign

(RNS) — New look. Same commitment to balanced, meaningful reporting.

During UN Climate Week, Hindu environmentalist Gopal Patel wants to look to the future

(RNS) — Inspired by Hare Krishna teachings about humanity’s relationship to the environment, Gopal Patel is on a mission to help faith groups participate in climate actions.

Proposed deal with Vanderbilt could keep a struggling Episcopal seminary in NYC afloat

(RNS) — An earlier plan to partner with a music school with ties to a conservative Catholic donor fell through. The new lease, if approved, could help GTS through a fiscal crisis.

How yesterday’s Black Christian nationalists planted the seeds for a Black utopia

(RNS) — Aaron Robertson’s ‘The Black Utopians: Searching for Paradise and the Promised Land in America,’ is out Tuesday (Oct. 1).

United Methodist Building celebrates a century of presence on Capitol Hill

(RNS) — The building, built in 1923, was funded entirely by women.

RNS Opinion

Gen Z women are dropping out of religion, but ramping up in politics

(RNS) — Here’s a switch: Young women are less likely to be religious, and young men are less likely to be politically active.

Stonewalling Muslim voters on Gaza has become a bipartisan effort

(RNS) — Democrats have counted on Muslims voting for the lesser of two evils. That will no longer fly.



After a crackdown on sexuality, two dozen CRC churches head for the exits

(RNS) — At its 2024 synod in June, the Christian Reformed Church instructed LGBTQ-affirming congregations to repent and comply with the denomination’s beliefs on sexuality. Some are now choosing to leave.

The Tenement Museum launches its ‘Lived Religion’ series with a High Holidays tour

(RNS) — The series aims to help visitors understand religious traditions and holidays as practiced by 19th- and 20th-century immigrants.

In Other News


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