Tuesday, September 24, 2024

God's Mission Our Gifts: Your October Mission and Service Stories and more!

Your October Mission and Service Stories

Our Journey towards Becoming an Anti-Racist Church

40 Days of Engagement on Anti-Racism
[Image credit: © Serz72 | Dreamstime.com]
The United Church of Canada has committed to becoming an anti-racist denomination, and this work is an ongoing journey for everyone.

What's for Thanksgiving Dinner?

Red Seedless Grapes priced at $20.19 a Kilogram
[Image credit: Cheryl Jourdain/The United Church of Canada]
This Thanksgiving, please know how deeply grateful we are for your support. Your gifts through Mission and Service extend far beyond your own table, reaching into the homes of those who would otherwise go without.

An Abundance of Blessings in a Time of Need

Lettuce, pasta, and canned goods in a brown paper bag
[Image credit: Lightbox/ Lightstock.com]
With your generous support, many Canadian seniors who might otherwise face empty plates this season are able to enjoy nutritious meals and maintain their dignity throughout the year.

Hope and Transformation

Participants of the Dora Alicia Sorto School Farm and agroecology project, accompanied by ADES staff Antonio Pacheco, Digna Martínez, and Blanca Hernández, and UCC staff Christie Neufeldt. 
[Photo credit: Christie Neufeldt]
In a part of El Salvador affected by increasing droughts and disrupted agricultural patterns, a new kind of agricultural project is bringing hope to rural farmers. These new methods are helping farmers to grow more, sustain their land, and secure their futures.

Ask Glenn and Dave!

Q: How can we promote the Thanksgiving Appeal in our Community of Faith?
A: Great question! The three key things to be sure to do are Inspire, Invite and Thank.

  • What emotional connection can you make between the appeal and your donors?
  • How good will it feel to know you are providing food for children and those in the north who do not have enough to eat?
  • Link giving to the appeal to your faith: Matthew 25:31-46. Mark 6:30-44. Acts 2:46. James 2:14-17. Giving generously to feed people is a sign of faith and a step to grow in faith and trust in God.
  • Link giving to the appeal to the mission and purpose of your Community of Faith: “At Centennial United Church, we care about people. Your gift to the Thanksgiving appeal makes our care real for those who are hungry.”
  • Be specific and clear in your invitation.
  • Help people know exactly how to give to the appeal. Make it easy to give.
  • Ask more than once and in different forms: worship, newsletter, web-site, etc.
  • Set a goal for your Community of Faith to reach and celebrate their progress and success.
  • Be specific.
  • Be personal.
  • Be timely.
  • Send a short note/email/call to each person who gives to the appeal to thank them personally. ”Thank you for your gift to the Thanksgiving Appeal. You are making a difference and feeding the hungry.”

Be creative and have fun with your Thanksgiving appeal. You are not just raising money, you are feeding the hungry and helping change the world. And as always, we’re here to help.
Q: How long does it take to prepare an appeal like Thanksgiving, and when is the information made public?

A: Glad you asked – and especially about Thanksgiving because it is a bit different.
We start preparing the Thanksgiving appeal in May! I know it sounds early, but we like to have a service and sermon up on the website by the end of June for the worship leaders who are planning ahead for the fall. (Yes, some of them really do plan that far in advance.) This means that the theme for Thanksgiving needs to be determined in the spring of that year. Thankfully (pun intended!), Thanksgiving comes with a theme ready-made: thankfulness.

The other parts of the appeal – the letter, the emails, the impact report, and other elements – are prepared in July and August, so that everything is ready to go by September 20th.

Other annual appeals, like Advent and Christmas or Easter, have lead times of three to four months; Thanksgiving has the longest by far. So we really appreciate it when you respond to what we send out, and share your thankfulness and blessings with others. Happy Thanksgiving in advance.
Do you have a question for Glenn and Dave? Just send it in on our handy form. You’ll get an answer by email or in the next issue of God’s Mission, Our Gifts, or both (your choice). And if your question stumps our all-star team of two, they may even collaborate!

Get Ready for Thanksgiving! 

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Whether you’re putting the finishing touches on your service or just getting underway with your community of faith’s Thanksgiving Sunday celebration, you’ll find helpful resources on our Thanksgiving Sunday worship page. We’ve created a new service for 2024 along with a separate sermon and a prayer to help you focus, and you can download whatever you need.
And you can make a Thanksgiving gift to Mission and Service anytime – even on Thanksgiving Day!

2025 Mission and Service goal-setting form coming soon!

Have you started planning for the Centennial year? We can help. Watch this space in next month’s issue for a link to the new and improved goal-setting form!
Questions? Email Mission and Service or call us at 1-800-465-3771.
GOD’S MISSION, OUR GIFTS is your newsletter. We want to provide news and information that you can use in your community of faith, whether you’re a minister, a board member, an administrator, a treasurer, or anyone else who wants to make a difference.
What else would you like to see? What can we do to help your community of faith get where it needs to go? Send us your thoughts!
Your generosity enables the United Church to love, serve, and minister in the world. Make an online donation or learn more about your options to support the work of the church. 
Copyright © 2024 The United Church of Canada, All rights reserved.

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