Wednesday, September 18, 2024

RNS Morning Report: What you might miss in news coverage about Latino voters and faith

RNS Morning Report

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What you might miss in news coverage about Latino voters and faith

(RNS) — The religiously unaffiliated, not evangelicals, are the strongest growth category of Latinos in the U.S.

Long Island Hindu temple vandalized ahead of Indian prime minister’s visit

(RNS) — Hindu temples across the United States have seen a surge of vandal attacks over the past year.

Catholic leaders mourn the killing of Honduran environmental activist Juan López

(RNS) — López’s death is the latest in a series of killings in a country known to be particularly deadly for environmental activists.

Former leaders of Jewish Voice for Peace detail their organizing tactics in new book

(RNS) — JVP has become a powerhouse of the American Jewish left. In a new book, "Solidarity Is the Political Version of Love," two of its past leaders trace the lessons they learned along the way.

RNS Opinion

Seven takeaways from Pope Francis’ Asia trip

(RNS) — In every country, where the pope took the stage, the venue was filled to capacity and beyond.

Why New York’s largest health system is turning to clergy for help

(RNS) — The mental health epidemic demands we break down the barriers separating hospitals from houses of worship.


New survey points to correlation between Christian nationalism and authoritarian views

(RNS) — A large majority of Christian nationalism supporters scored high on authoritarianism assessments.

Want to succeed as a leader? Ask for help, says Joni Eareckson Tada

(RNS) — It's a lesson the artist, author and nonprofit leader has lived for most of her life, ever since being paralyzed as a teenager.

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