Monday, September 30, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Vance says immigration stance is in keeping with faith

RNS Morning Report

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Vance, at Christian nationalist revival, says immigration stance is in keeping with faith

(RNS) — Vance’s remarks seemed aimed at quelling some of the controversy that sprang up after he and Donald Trump accused Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, of eating townspeople’s pets.

After Hurricane Helene, faith groups ramp up disaster relief

(RNS) — Before the storm hit the US, the Salvation Army and Southern Baptists were already on their way to lend a hand. Faith-based groups make up more than half of the disaster relief organizations in the United States.

In a time of questioning, younger Jews turn to their faith’s contemplative side

(RNS) — Jewish mindfulness programs have begun to attract Jews seeking new ways of connecting with their Jewish identity.

Voting rights advocate Barbara Williams-Skinner thrives on prayer and policy changes

WASHINGTON (RNS) — 'I also send Scriptures to about 60 members of Congress and other leaders after I pray by myself in the morning,' Williams-Skinner said.

RNS Opinion

Seeking truth, justice and healing in the new school year

(RNS) — This year, Congress should pass the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act.

Another type of Muslim ban hurts us all

(RNS) — Muslim stories and books are slowly being pulled from library and school shelves across the country.


What experts say Harris’ decision to skip Al Smith Dinner reveals about Catholic vote

(RNS) — Since 1984, three of nine Al Smith Dinners in presidential election years have been held without either presidential candidate.

Pope travels to the heart of Europe to appeal for peace and to boost his dwindling flock

LUXEMBOURG (AP) — “I encourage you to be faithful to this legacy, and to continue to make your country a friendly home for those who knock at your door seeking help and hospitality,” Pope Francis said, repeating his appeal for everyone to feel welcomed in the church.

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