Thursday, September 26, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Prominent Muslim American advocacy organization endorses Harris

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Prominent Muslim American advocacy organization endorses Harris

(RNS) — The endorsement comes as Muslim Americans continue to express outrage over how President Joe Biden has handled the Israel-Hamas war.

After a crackdown on sexuality, two dozen CRC churches head for the exits

(RNS) — At its 2024 synod in June, the Christian Reformed Church instructed LGBTQ-affirming congregations to repent and comply with the denomination’s beliefs on sexuality. Some are now choosing to leave.

The Tenement Museum launches its ‘Lived Religion’ series with a High Holidays tour

(RNS) — The series aims to help visitors understand religious traditions and holidays as practiced by 19th- and 20th-century immigrants.

Settlement talks with Johnny Hunt fail. SBC and former president likely headed to trial.

(RNS) — A defamation lawsuit filed by Hunt has cost the nation's largest Protestant denomination $3 million so far. A trial date is set for Nov. 12 in Nashville.

RNS Opinion

Who cares about the religion of the presidential tickets?

(RNS) — Political reporters not so much.

The situation on campus is worse than you think

(RNS) — It’s an ‘academic intifada.’ The good news: The Jewish kids are alright.



Influential cardinal urges Vatican to unshackle charismatic groups in new book

(RNS) — Cardinal Marc Ouellet challenged the church to worry less about creating something new, and more about treasuring what is already there.

Mark Robinson may no longer be the headliner. But NC evangelicals still back him.

HENDERSON, N.C. (RNS) — Robinson has spent years cultivating Black and white evangelical church members with a message that aligns closely with their conservative values. Those church members still think highly of him.

In Other News


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