Wednesday, September 25, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Influential cardinal urges Vatican to unshackle charismatic groups in new book

RNS Morning Report

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Influential cardinal urges Vatican to unshackle charismatic groups in new book

(RNS) — Cardinal Marc Ouellet challenged the church to worry less about creating something new, and more about treasuring what is already there.

Mark Robinson may no longer be the headliner. But NC evangelicals still back him.

HENDERSON, N.C. (RNS) — Robinson has spent years cultivating Black and white evangelical church members with a message that aligns closely with their conservative values. Those church members still think highly of him.

Church property conference offers congregations more than prayer to keep their buildings

(RNS) — Congregations facing hard choices about what to do with underutilized, high-maintenance sacred structures heard from real estate experts at a recent conference on the future of church buildings.

Interfaith advocates urge clemency for ‘death row imam’ a day before scheduled execution

(RNS) — They point to a lack of DNA evidence and racial bias in the conviction of Imam Marcellus 'Khaliifah' Williams, who has maintained his innocence for over two decades.


RNS Opinion

The Jewish ‘days of repentance’ show us how to fail righteously

(RNS) — ‘Seven times does the righteous one fall and get up,’ wrote King Solomon in Proverbs.

A video game based on the Chinese novel ‘Journey to the West’ is an example of innovative retelling

(The Conversation) — The game allows players to free Sun Wukong, the monkey protagonist from the popular 16th century novel ‘Journey to the West,’ and introduces players to the complexity of Chinese religion.



Anti-Modi activists protest the Indian prime minister’s New York visit

NEW YORK (RNS) — More than 300 activists, many representing faith groups, came out to protest Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visit to New York.

Abyssinian Baptist Church’s Kevin Johnson has history of following prominent clergy

(RNS) — ‘We're still going through a healing process here at the church,’ Johnson said in an interview about grief over the death of his predecessor in 2022.

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