Tuesday, September 24, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Anti-Modi activists protest the Indian prime minister’s New York visit

RNS Morning Report

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Anti-Modi activists protest the Indian prime minister’s New York visit

NEW YORK (RNS) — More than 300 activists, many representing faith groups, came out to protest Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visit to New York.

Interfaith advocates urge clemency for ‘death row imam’ a day before scheduled execution

(RNS) — They point to a lack of DNA evidence and racial bias in the conviction of Imam Marcellus 'Khaliifah' Williams, who has maintained his innocence for over two decades.

William Barber joins faith leaders at vigil in Springfield to defend Haitian migrants

(RNS) — 'It's gone on far too long, and we won't be silent anymore,' said civil rights champion the Rev. William Barber II.

Euphoric two years ago, US anti-abortion movement is now divided and worried as election nears

(AP) — “The tide has turned, and the pro-life message is now considered a political liability that could prevent President Trump’s victorious return to the White House,” wrote Troy Newman, head of anti-abortion group Operation Rescue.

RNS Opinion

Project 2025 is a death sentence for religious freedom

(RNS) — The conservative vision proposes turning the United States into a religious monolith.

Five things to watch for in the upcoming October synod

(RNS) — The pope wants the delegates to focus on the topic of synodality rather than controversial topics like LGBTQ+ Catholics and women deacons.


Abyssinian Baptist Church’s Kevin Johnson has history of following prominent clergy

(RNS) — ‘We're still going through a healing process here at the church,’ Johnson said in an interview about grief over the death of his predecessor in 2022.

Penn Badgley and Nava Kavelin talk Baha’i faith and middle school on ‘Podcrushed’

(RNS) — Penn Badgley joins former middle school educators Nava Kavelin and Sophie Ansari for conversations about celebrities’ middle-school escapades and adolescent heartbreaks and anxieties.

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