Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - Every conversation matters! A new poster for National Child Protection Week in UC National News 4-10 September

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4-10 September 2024

National Update

Your weekly snapshot of the Uniting Church in Australia 

Our Featured Story


This National Child Protection Week, let's remember: every conversation matters

This week, 1-7 September, marks National Child Protection Week across Australia.

As a whole church and as communities of faith, the Uniting Church in Australia has a deep commitment to creating safe environments so that all people, including children and vulnerable people, may live life in all its fullness.

In recognition of this week, the Uniting Church Assembly and National Safe Church Unit have released a new poster inspired by this year’s theme, ‘Every conversation matters’. The theme is an encouragement to speak up and speak together about what needs to happen so that every child in every community can safely grow and flourish.

We invite Uniting Church communities to display the poster as a reminder of our commitments and a prompt for conversations. We also invite you to set aside a time that suits your community to remember and recommit to our shared call to be a safe church for all.

Find more information and download the poster along with other safe church resources on the National Safe Church Unit website.

Read more


New ASC meets for the first time

The newly elected Assembly Standing Committee met for the first time this past weekend in Sydney. Members spent the weekend in worship and community building, orientation to the Assembly, meeting Assembly staff and leaders and addressing business arising from the 17th Assembly in July. We give thanks for the commitment of the new ASC to serve God and the Uniting Church in this way. See more photos on our Facebook page.


Get involved in the Multifaith Week of Action for Climate Justice

From 14-24 September people of all faiths around Australia will publicly call for a clear plan to address the climate crisis and move boldly and rapidly away from coal and gas and towards a sustainable future. There are lots of ways for your community to take part, from joining senior faith leaders at events at high profile places of worship on 17 September to purchasing and displaying your own banner.


Bush Chaplains: A lifeline for survivors

When survivors of domestic and family violence confide in Frontier Services' Bush Chaplains, they’re often able to provide more than emotional support thanks to your generous support. Donations allow them to offer practical assistance like food, fuel cards and emergency accommodation, a lifeline for those in need. Your generosity ensures this critical work can continue. Read more and donate to Frontier Services today.


Salvation, evangelism and discipleship under the spotlight

Uniting Church academic journal Uniting Church Studies will be hosting an online conference in October focussed on salvation, evangelism and discipleship. In preparation for the June 2025 issue of the journal, authors will presents drafts of their papers and interact with each other and attendees. Save the date: 23 October 2024 from 1:30-5pm. Follow Uniting Church Studies for more information and registration.


"God was with Yolŋu from the beginning"

A State Memorial for Uniting Church and Aboriginal leader Rev Dr Gondarra OAM was held at Nungalinya College in Darwin last Thursday. Uniting Church minister Rev Steve Orme, who led the service, has generously shared the text of his short reflection.


Generate Presbytery celebrates first ordination

The Generate Presbytery celebrated the ordination of Rev Tim Littleford last Thursday - the very first for the presbytery which was formed within the Synod of South Australia in 2018. Congratulations Generate and congratulations Tim. May God be with you in this new chapter of your ministry. See photos from the service and watch a recording.

World Council of Churches

WCC grieves hostage deaths

The World Council of Churches has released a statement following the deaths of six hostages whose bodies were recovered from the Gaza Strip. "We abhor such brutality ... we appeal to all parties to remember their humanity."

Season of Creation

Glenbrook decorates for SoC

Glenbrook Uniting Church in the Synod of NSW/ACT has decorated its worship space in honour of the Season of Creation. Fantastic inspiration for churches who might like to bring the outside in as we celebrate God's world.


Legacy of support for Mandurah

Mandurah Uniting Church in Western Australia is celebrating 50 years of support to the Mandurah community through Uniting Outreach Mandurah. Read more in this article from the latest edition of Revive (Synod of WA).

Submissions Invited

Truth and Justice Commission

There are two days left to have your say about the proposed Truth and Justice Commission Bill 2024, which would set up a body for truth telling about historic and ongoing injustices against First Peoples. Submissions close Friday.

In case you missed it...
News and story highlights from the last couple of weeks


Minister - Casuarina Uniting Church, Darwin

Lead this congregation in worship, witness, mission, service and discipleship.

Administration and Resource Officer - UnitingCare QLD

Offer administrative support to UnitingCare Queensland’s Mission Directorate.

Upcoming Dates

1 September-4 October: Season of Creation
10 September: UnitingCare Australia Leaders Forum
14-24 September: ARRCC Week of Action for Climate Justice
12 September: R U OK? Day
13-15 September: Synod of Western Australia - Synod Meeting
16-22 September: World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel
21 September: International Day of Peace

Check out the 2024 Assembly Calendar more dates across the year

Join us in prayer for

  • All those in our Church who dedicate themselves to nurturing a culture of safety.
  • All those praying, advocating and celebrating God's world this Season of Creation.
  • Benin, Ivory Coast, Togo as part of the WCC Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.

How are you celebrating the Season of Creation?


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