Tuesday, September 17, 2024

United Methodist Now - Podcasts you need to hear!

Welcome to this special edition of United Methodist Now! In this issue, we're excited to bring you recent episodes from our trio of enriching podcasts—each designed to cater to different facets of your spiritual and leadership development. Whether you're deepening your personal faith, seeking spiritual guidance, or enhancing your leadership skills, we have something for everyone. Dive into our featured content and join us on a journey of growth and discovery.
Get your spirit in shape
Get Your Spirit in Shape

Don’t miss this recent episode, where we explore what it means to remain connected in Christ, even when we disagree. Every other Friday, Get Your Spirit in Shape offers United Methodists engaging discussions and spiritual insights to invigorate your faith journey.
I'm here for connection!
MyCom Podcast
MyCom Podcast

Catch our latest episode, featuring a thought-provoking conversation with the Reverend J.J. Warren about building genuine emotional connections within digital church communities. Essential for church leaders, MyCom delivers expert insights and practical advice for enhancing your leadership and church management skills.
Take me to tech!
Compass podcast
Compass Podcast

Listen to this fascinating conversation with a United Methodist chaplain who courageously engaged with Neo-Nazis at a Unity Rally. Discover how to rise above hate with love and unity. Perfect for spiritual seekers, Compass provides guidance and reflections to help you explore and deepen your spiritual path.
Here for love & unity!

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