Monday, September 16, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Lance Wallnau, first to ‘prophesy’ Trump’s presidency, is back to vanquish anti-Trump demons

RNS Morning Report

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Lance Wallnau, first to ‘prophesy’ Trump’s presidency, is back to vanquish anti-Trump demons

(RNS) — The modern-day 'prophet' and coiner of the phrase '7 Mountain Mandate' has helped to bring the influential Pentecostal group New Apostolic Reformation from the fringes of American Christianity to the heart of US politics.

Funeral for son of Ukraine chief rabbi cited as rebuke to Putin’s claims of ‘de-nazification’

(RNS) — The death of Anton Samborskyi distilled the widening impact of the conflict with Russia in all corners of Ukrainian society.

In Singapore, Pope Francis inspires youth, courts China

(RNS) — Over 50,000 faithful from Singapore, but also China, Hong Kong and Vietnam, gathered to see the pope on Thursday.

Photos of the Week: Russian relics anniversary; Ganesha festival

(RNS) — This week’s photo gallery includes the 300th anniversary of the transfer of relics of prince Alexander Nevsk in Russia, the Hindu Ganesh Chaturthi festival and more

RNS Opinion

A conservation-forward farm bill is critical to protecting God’s creation

(RNS) — Farmers know the land best — and they know the policies that will allow them to be most successful.


Where has Trump spiritual adviser Paula White gone?

(RNS) — The onetime organizer of the former president’s evangelical Christian advisory board has been relatively muted in her public support in the 2024 election season.

Grief over Gaza and qualms over US election add up to anguish for many Palestinian Americans

(AP) — “Without stopping U.S. financial support and military support to Israel, this will not stop,” said Ghada Elnajjar who in 2020 campaigned for Biden. “I’m a U.S. citizen. I’m a taxpayer ... and I feel betrayed and neglected.”

In Other News


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