Wednesday, September 4, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Pope Francis’ trip to Southeast Asia will test the pope’s health and message

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Pope Francis’ trip to Southeast Asia will test the pope’s health and message

(RNS) — The 87-year-old pope will visit a record number of countries in the longest trip of his pontificate.

In new book, journalist Joshua Leifer offers a scathing take on American Judaism

(RNS) — 'Tablets Shattered' is a sweeping historical account of a fractured and contentious religious establishment — much of it hampered by its embrace of Zionism.

Montgomery County, Maryland, was most religiously diverse US county in 2023

(RNS) — Beyond the religiously unaffiliated, which represent slightly less than 2 in 10 (17.8%) residents, the largest religious group in the county was Black Protestants, who make up 10% of the population. 

Some nonprofit newspapers endorse candidates. So why can’t churches, new lawsuit asks.

(RNS) — The federal lawsuit, filed by the National Religious Broadcasters, is the latest challenge to the so-called Johnson Amendment, which bars charitable nonprofits from taking sides in campaigns.

Photos of the Week: Krishna and Teresa birthdays; Arbaeen

(RNS) — Each week RNS presents a gallery of photos of religious expression around the world. This week’s photo gallery includes birthdays of Lord Krishna and Saint Teresa, Arbaeen pilgrims and more.

RNS Opinion

The friendship between Christians and the labor movement shows signs of life

(RNS) — Worker-preachers are back on the move and not just on Labor Sunday.


U.S. Latinas embrace spiritual practices outside traditional religion

(RNS) — Many U.S. Latinas have turned to sound healing while seeking spiritual practices outside of traditional religion.

‘Wall of Silence,’ a podcast about abuse in ACNA, was silenced. Now, it’s back.

(RNS) — A spokesperson said no one from ACNA’s national office had knowledge of Archbishop Beach or his staff asking for the podcast to stop.

In Other News


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