Wednesday, September 4, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Neo-Buddhists push back against Hindu claims on ancient cave monasteries in India

RNS Morning Report

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Neo-Buddhists push back against Hindu claims on ancient cave monasteries in India

GUJARAT, India (RNS) — In western India, where thousands of monks once worshipped in caves chiseled into the rocky hills, a fight is on to keep Hindu chauvinists from erasing a 2,000-year-old Buddhist site.

National Baptists hold annual meeting as leadership questions continue

BALTIMORE (RNS) — The Rev. Jerry Young, pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Jackson, Mississippi, has been president for two five-year terms and cannot run for a consecutive third term.

The Black church has moved from essential to voluntary, says author Jason Shelton

(RNS) — ‘Is the Black church dead? I think it really varies depending on which traditions we’re talking about,’ said Shelton, a sociologist at the University of Texas at Arlington.

What to know about the rescued hostage’s Bedouin community in Israel

One significant long-running source of tensions is that tens of thousands or so Bedouins in the Negev eke out an existence in villages that the Israeli authorities don’t recognize. The villages are largely cut off from basic services and the government wants to tear them down.

RNS Opinion

You need to abandon God to find God

(RNS) — Our understanding of God has to mature as we do.

Trump’s Arlington affair harks back to Bill Clinton

(RNS) — Trump’s is not the first affront to the American civil religion.


Montgomery County, Maryland, was most religiously diverse US county in 2023

(RNS) — Beyond the religiously unaffiliated, which represent slightly less than 2 in 10 (17.8%) residents, the largest religious group in the county was Black Protestants, who make up 10% of the population. 

Some nonprofit newspapers endorse candidates. So why can’t churches, new lawsuit asks.

(RNS) — The federal lawsuit, filed by the National Religious Broadcasters, is the latest challenge to the so-called Johnson Amendment, which bars charitable nonprofits from taking sides in campaigns.

In Other News


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