Friday, September 20, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Vatican greenlights devotion to Marian shrine at Medjugorje

RNS Morning Report

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Vatican greenlights devotion to Marian shrine at Medjugorje

(RNS) — While the Vatican did not confirm that the Marian apparitions were real, it recognized that the devotion of the faithful to the site is undeniable.

Should Christian men run America? Hell no, say abuse survivors in new documentary

(RNS) — In ‘For Our Daughters,’ a new film from Kristin Kobes Du Mez, author of ‘Jesus and John Wayne,’ abuse survivors argue that if pastors can’t keep their own churches safe, they should not be running the country.

Seminaries prompt students to ask: Can AI write a sermon?

(RNS) —From divinity school hallways to organized seminars to governing bodies, professors of the art of preaching are considering about what AI means their students.

200 Christian leaders across denominations call defending democracy a ‘test of faith’

WASHINGTON (RNS) — More than 200 Christian leaders have signed a document arguing that 'democracy stands embattled.'

RNS Opinion

Need to refresh before Rosh Hashana? Try e-traveling for Shabbat

(RNS) — No livestream could replace in-person services, but Sofa Shabbat surfing can educate and inspire.

A Senate hearing on hate crime becomes a horror show for mother of slain child

(RNS) — Hanaan Shahin came to D.C. only to hear more of the same anti-Palestinian bigotry that got her son Wadea killed.


The SBC will sell its Nashville headquarters to defray abuse-related legal costs

(RNS) — SBC leaders also set up a new department to deal with the issue of abuse, though the fate of a long-delayed database of abusers remains unknown.

At ‘Kaur Power Hour,’ Sikh women get out the vote

(RNS) — On National Voter Registration Day, Sikh women leaders spoke at ‘Kaur Power Hour,’ a webinar dedicated to raising up ‘the minority within the minority’ to recognize their voting power in this upcoming election.

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