Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - Faith leaders unite across the country: protect our earth & our future, no to coal and gas 🌏

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18-24 September 2024

National Update

Your weekly snapshot of the Uniting Church in Australia 

Our Featured Story


Faith leaders unite for climate justice on the National Day of Action

Yesterday, Uniting Church leaders and communities were among those making a stand for climate justice and climate action as part of the Multifaith Week of Action organised by the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC).

Banners were unveiled and media events were held at cathedrals and high profile places of worship across the country, as leaders from across faith traditions united to send a clear message to government: we support a bold and rapid move away from coal and gas projects towards a sustainable future.

Many Uniting Church congregations joined in locally, displaying banners calling for an end to coal and gas and expressing our commitment to the care of God's creation.

With care for the environment in our DNA since the beginning, the Uniting Church adopted its landmark statement on climate change almost 20 years ago. Advocacy on the climate crisis is now more urgent than ever, as Pacific nations bear the worst impacts of climate change and we seek safety and security for future generations.

Read more in our story and see more photos of events on Facebook.

Read our story


"We believe that peace can only come through justice"

President Rev Charissa Suli has released a new statement and a call to prayer for the Holy Land, marking the beginning of the World Council of Churches' World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel on Monday.


Five years on from the landmark apology to survivors of child sexual abuse

22 October 2024 marks the fifth anniversary of the historic National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. The Uniting Church in Australia is committed to marking this anniversary and to remembering the wrongs of the past, and is commited to growing a culture of safety across the whole Church. A liturgy of lament and statement from President Rev Charissa Suli is available to mark the anniversary.


Assembly submission supports a federal Truth and Justice Commission

The Uniting Church Assembly has made a submission to a government inquiry on a proposed federal truth and justice commission; a body that would inquire into historic and ongoing injustices against First Peoples in Australia and their impact. You can now read the Assembly's submission, which supports the implementation of a commission as soon as possible. There are still two days to make your own submission.


UnitingCare Australia brings together national UnitingCare network

UnitingCare Australia hosted its national Leaders Forum last Tuesday, which gathers people from across the UnitingCare network, Uniting Church in Australia and Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress, joined by journalists and politicians. See some photos of our national leaders at the event, and others from UnitingCare Australia. Keep an eye out for a full summary coming next week.


Highlights from the meeting of the Uniting Church in Western Australia

Uniting Church President Rev Charissa Suli and Assembly General Secretary Rev Lindsay Cullen were in Perth over the weekend for the meeting of the Synod of Western Australia. Read about the opening worship on Friday, and the highlights from each day.


Reflecting on World Suicide Prevention Day and R U OK? Day

Last week, we marked World Suicide Prevention Day and R U OK? Day, two important reminders that we all have a role to play in supporting each other during difficult times. A simple check-in with people around you can make all the difference. For people living in remote Australia, our Bush Chaplains are here to support and connect you with vital services. If you or someone you know needs support, call Lifeline 24/7 at 13 11 14.


Rev Dr Mitri Raheb brings precision, passion and theological challenge on Palestine

Widely published Christian theologian Rev Dr Mitri Raheb spoke recently at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C. You might like to listen to his first-person Palestinian perspective as a way of engaging with this World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel. You can watch his presentation in full or read about the five theological challenges he named in this article from the Presbyterian Church (USA).

UnitingCare Australia

Aged Care Act welcome

UnitingCare Australia has welcomed action on aged care last week with the tabling of a new Aged Care Act. The key recommendation of the Royal Commission, the Act "opens the door to much needed reform," said National Director Claerwen Little.


International Day of Peace

The Justice and International Mission Cluster in the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania has released a new resource for the International Day of Peace this Saturday. It includes prayers for peace, actions, reflections and Assembly resolutions through time.

In case you missed it...
News and story highlights from the last couple of weeks


Roles at Indooroopilly UC Refugee Hub

Church and Community Collaboration Coordinator - Uniting NSW.ACT

Play a pivotal role in executing Uniting NSW.ACT's and the Synod of NSW.ACT's shared strategies in mission and ministry. 

Upcoming Dates

1 September-4 October: Season of Creation
14-24 September: ARRCC Week of Action for Climate Justice
16-22 September: World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel
21 September: International Day of Peace
29 September: Older Person's Sunday (resources from UnitingCare Australia)

Check out the 2024 Assembly Calendar more dates across the year

Join us in prayer for

  • The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change and the amazing work they do rallying people of faith in Australia.
  • Those whose ministry and Christian discipleship leads them to advocate for God's world. May the ears of those in power be open to hear.
  • The Holy Land as the World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel continues.
  • Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay as part of the WCC Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.

How are you celebrating the Season of Creation?


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