Thursday, September 19, 2024

RNS Morning Report: The SBC will sell its Nashville headquarters to defray abuse-related legal costs

RNS Morning Report

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The SBC will sell its Nashville headquarters to defray abuse-related legal costs

(RNS) — SBC leaders also set up a new department to deal with the issue of abuse, though the fate of a long-delayed database of abusers remains unknown.

At ‘Kaur Power Hour,’ Sikh women get out the vote

(RNS) — On National Voter Registration Day, Sikh women leaders spoke at ‘Kaur Power Hour,’ a webinar dedicated to raising up ‘the minority within the minority’ to recognize their voting power in this upcoming election.

The Global Methodist Church will meet in Costa Rica. Sexuality is not on the agenda.

(RNS) — The new denomination, with 4,715 congregations, will meet to adopt a constitution and iron out its governance structure.

Aiding flood victims in South Sudan, faith leaders work on long-term solutions

(RNS) — With more than 750,000 people displaced by annual flooding, churches in the country have become involved in constructing dikes to safeguard thousands of lives at risk.

Poll: Faith leaders key to providing access to mental health care

(RNS) — Sixty-eight percent of U.S. adults said they would likely seek mental health care if a religious leader in their community recommended it, according to a new poll from the American Psychiatric Association.

RNS Opinion

How the Israeli settlers movement shaped modern Israel

(The Conversation) — The settler movement has unprecedented power in Israel today − the result of a decades-long push to mainstream its views and leaders.

New LDS survey says the winner is … two-hour church!

(RNS) — Among the top changes President Nelson has made, U.S. Mormons love two-hour church best of all, according to new data.


What you might miss in news coverage about Latino voters and faith

(RNS) — The religiously unaffiliated, not evangelicals, are the strongest growth category of Latinos in the U.S.

Former leaders of Jewish Voice for Peace detail their organizing tactics in new book

(RNS) — JVP has become a powerhouse of the American Jewish left. In a new book, "Solidarity Is the Political Version of Love," two of its past leaders trace the lessons they learned along the way.

In Other News


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