Wednesday, September 11, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Evangelicals rally behind statement that hopes to combat polarization with revival

RNS Morning Report

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Evangelicals rally behind statement that hopes to combat polarization with revival

(RNS) — ‘I see this statement as a very important call to teaching,’ said Richard Mouw, a theologian and former president of Fuller Theological Seminary, who signed a statement urging evangelicals to reject ‘political idolatry.’

From witchcraft to synodality, Pope Francis tackled women’s roles in Papua New Guinea

(RNS) — In a country where women are often victims of violence and marginalization, the pope was confronted with the same reality in the Catholic Church.

National Catholic Reporter names Wall St. Journal’s James Grimaldi as executive editor

(RNS) — The 60-year-old left-leaning outlet was without a top editor for more than a year.

In election year, climate faith leaders urge voters to make environment a priority

(RNS) — Polls show voters are concerned with other issues, such as inflation and immigration. But the environment continues to be a top concern for many voters, especially younger ones, and the issue crosses lines of faith and politics in ways that others don’t.

RNS Opinion

‘Between the Temples’ gets some things right — and one thing wrong

(RNS) — It is a sweet movie, with an important error.

The Synod on Synodality needs to set its own agenda

(RNS) — The Second Vatican Council's fathers tossed the Curia's agenda and set their own. Could history repeat itself?


Polyamorists look for their place in church as the practice loses its taboo

(RNS) — For polyamorous clergy and Christians, ‘love is love is love.’

A Filipino preacher on the run from sexual abuse charges surrenders

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Apollo Quiboloy and four other co-accused surrendered in the vast religious headquarters of their group, called Kingdom of Jesus Christ, in Davao city after the police gave a 24-hour ultimatum for them to give up, police said.

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