Friday, September 13, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Where has Trump spiritual adviser Paula White gone?

RNS Morning Report

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Where has Trump spiritual adviser Paula White gone?

(RNS) — The onetime organizer of the former president’s evangelical Christian advisory board has been relatively muted in her public support in the 2024 election season.

Sudanese Anglican cathedral is now a graveyard for civil war victims, archbishop says

(RNS) — The Sudanese civil war is the world’s largest displacement crisis today.

Grief over Gaza and qualms over US election add up to anguish for many Palestinian Americans

(AP) — “Without stopping U.S. financial support and military support to Israel, this will not stop,” said Ghada Elnajjar who in 2020 campaigned for Biden. “I’m a U.S. citizen. I’m a taxpayer ... and I feel betrayed and neglected.”

In a noisy world, this temple hopes a new Buddha and meditation garden can bring peace

(RNS) — Bhante Sujatha, a Sri Lankan Buddhist monk leading a temple in Woodstock, Illinois, hopes a new outdoor, interfaith meditation space will be a sanctuary in a world of noise.

RNS Opinion


Medieval theology has an old take on a new problem − AI responsibility

(The Conversation) — Autonomous AI is still designed by people − so who or what is really responsible for its actions? For centuries, theologians have posed similar questions about mankind and God.


In East Timor, Pope Francis met a church on the rise

(RNS) — Catholicism may be in decline in the West, but in East Timor, thousands gathered to catch a glimpse of the pope from the end of the world.

Evangelicals rally behind statement that hopes to combat polarization with revival

(RNS) — ‘I see this statement as a very important call to teaching,’ said Richard Mouw, a theologian and former president of Fuller Theological Seminary, who signed a statement urging evangelicals to reject ‘political idolatry.’

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