Tuesday, September 17, 2024

International Council extends role of WEA Executive Chair till 31st October 2025

In April 2024 the WEA International Council (IC) announced that following the resignation of its Secretary General on 31 March 2024 it would embark on a six-month review of its structural needs for the future.There have been consultations since that time, leading the International Council to resolve to take additional time to consult its constituency more widely. This will ensure that its operations going forward are as effective as possible in today’s “global village.”

In its meeting on the 3rd of September 2024, the IC unanimously agreed for Dr. Goodwill Shana to extend the role of Executive Chair up to the period ending October 2025. At that time his membership of the International Council will have ended, having completed his mandatory maximum two terms on the Council. Until his retirement he will continue to work alongside the two Deputies in the Office of Secretary General (OSG). In this interim period the Executive Chair, in consultation with the vice-chair of the International Council, shall be accountable to the IC through the Executive Committee (ExCo). The IC has confidence that in his executive capacity the Executive Chair shall operate with accountability to and in compliance with IC motives and direction.

In the interim, the IC’s Human Resource Committee shall initiate a search process which shall have regard to the on-going review of the WEA, its By-laws, and a Leadership profile for the next CEO  culminating in the appointment of a CEO at the 2025 General Assembly.


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Over two billion Christians in the world today are represented by three world church bodies. The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) is one of those, serving more than 600 million evangelicals belonging to churches that are part of 143 national Evangelical Alliances in 9 regions. Launched in London in 1846, the WEA unites evangelicals across denominations for prayer, evangelism, mission, theological education, religious freedom, human rights advocacy, relief, and engagement in a wide range of social issues. It speaks with one voice to United Nations, governments, and media in public or through behind-the-scenes diplomacy on issues of common concern to the Church. For more information, visit worldea.org WEA has been a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability since 1980. WEA is audited annually by an independent public accounting firm. WEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. In the United States, your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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