Monday, September 9, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Trump’s abortion pivot hasn’t shaken evangelical Christian leaders’ support

RNS Morning Report

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Trump’s abortion pivot hasn’t shaken evangelical Christian leaders’ support

(RNS) — 'I don’t just consider a candidate’s words, I look at their actions and what they have done,' said the Rev. Franklin Graham.

Center honoring trailblazing lawyer, civil rights activist and priest opens in Durham

(RNS) — Known as the Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice, the refurbished two-story clapboard home will further the kind of progressive social causes Murray, who died in 1985, championed.

National Baptists choose Connecticut pastor Boise Kimber as next president

(RNS) — Disqualified challengers hoped sufficient ‘no’ votes would cause the election process to restart.

At Vatican, physicists and theologians join forces to answer life’s big questions

(RNS) — At a conference at the Vatican, physicists and theologians made the case for cooperation between faith and science.

Photos of the Week: Francis visits Asia; National Baptists meet

(RNS) — This week’s photo gallery includes Pope Francis visiting Asia, the annual meeting of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. and more.

RNS Opinion

Rabbi Irving Greenberg’s life work celebrating Judaism summed up in new book

(RNS) — It is the book that you need to read right now. It will change your view of Judaism and of the world itself.

Black church leaders brought religion to politics in the ‘60s – but it was dramatically different from today’s white Christian nationalism

(The Conversation) — In 1966, the assertion of Black power was grounded in an appeal to the founding principles of the United States. Black church leaders called for healing internal divisions through engagement.


Members of shuttered Rwandan churches gather in homes as leaders quietly protest

(RNS) — After a crackdown on unapproved churches, Christian leaders say the government's move encroaches on religious freedom and applies regulations unequally.

Study: Pro-Israel Jewish students pay a growing social price

(RNS) — In 2024, more than half of Jewish students said they paid a social penalty for supporting Israel’s existence, up from 34% in 2022, a new report from a Tufts University researcher finds.

In Other News


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