Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Pastor's Life - From Saddle to Soul

From Saddle to Soul
by Erin Dunigan

Let’s be honest: pastoring is demanding.

Between sermons, counseling sessions, committee meetings, and the ever-present needs of your congregation, finding a moment to breathe can feel like a luxury. Yet, amidst the whirlwind, haven’t we all felt that yearning for a deeper connection with God? That which called us to this work in the first place? What which we wanted our lives to be about?

But, in modern life, and in modern church life, in the midst of Bible studies, prayer groups, and outreach programs, not to mention session meetings, the idea of connecting with God can often seem like a luxury, rather than a given. It is as though the faster we move, the harder we push, the more elusive that connection seems.

Erin Dunigan is an ordained evangelist and teaching elder in the PC(USA). She is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary. She serves as a photographer, writer and communications consultant and lives near the border in Baja California, Mexico. In her free time, she is an avid gardener and leads horseback riding tours along one of the most pristine stretches of beach in Northern Baja. Send comments on this article to

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