Monday, June 17, 2024

RNS Morning Report: With Catholic anti-poverty program under attack, bishops and activists mount defense

RNS Morning Report

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With Catholic anti-poverty program under attack, bishops and activists mount defense

(RNS) — A person familiar with the executive session’s deliberations told Religion News Service that ‘there was very strong support expressed for CCHD in the session. How it is worked out remains to be seen, but the program and collection will continue.’

Paul Pressler, SBC legend accused of abuse, is dead at 94

(RNS) — Pressler was one of the architects of the ‘Conservative Resurgence’ that took over the Southern Baptist Convention in the 1980s and 1990s. He was later accused of sexual abuse.

India slowly expands protections for ostracized interfaith, mixed-caste couples

MAHARASHTRA, India (RNS) — In 2018, India’s Supreme Court recognized honor killing as a serious problem and issued guidelines to prevent it, including setting up safe houses.

With cheekiness and fawning excitement, comedians meet Pope Francis

(RNS) — Pope Francis told comedians they can joke about God, if they do so ‘without offending the religious sentiments of believers.’

The Episcopal Church reveals clergy misconduct cases involving nominees for presiding bishop

(RNS) — The announcement comes less than two weeks before the election of the denomination’s next leader.

RNS Opinion

In Mecca on Eid al-Adha, carrying the burden of those lost in Gaza

MECCA, Saudi Arabia (RNS) — In my kaffiyeh, I received prayers from random worshippers and even my taxi driver for the Palestinian people.

Roberts and Alito are polarized on polarization

(RNS) — That upside-down flag had special significance.


Southern Baptists pass resolution calling for strictures to curb IVF

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — At their annual meeting, Southern Baptists joined the recently renewed debate over in vitro fertilization, passing a resolution calling for restrictions on the practice. Some leaders went further, condemning the procedure as immoral.

‘The protest is a ritual’: How faith found a place in Palestine solidarity encampments

(RNS) – Over the past nine months, student-led Palestine solidarity encampments popped up at universities across the country. For many students, multi-religious programming at the encampments became unexpected sites for religious connection.

In Other News


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