Tuesday, June 4, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Religiously affiliated higher education aims to spark collaboration

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

New commission of religiously affiliated higher education aims to spark collaboration

(RNS) — The Commission on Faith-based Colleges and Universities, recently announced by the American Council of Education, is set to launch with its first meetings on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.

Southern Baptist ethics committee says IVF is immoral, tells Christians to oppose it

(RNS) — Echoing Catholic teaching, ERLC President Brent Leatherwood says the procedure causes moral harm and separates procreation from sex.

Catholic women remain hopeful in the synod despite challenges

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Despite the number of women involved in the latest Synod on Synodality, in a recent survey of women who attended the synod, 67% said they 'encountered obstacles during the process.'

President Milei’s surprising devotion to Judaism and Israel provokes tension in Argentina and beyond

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Breaking decades of policy precedent, President Javier Milei has gone further in his support of right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government than perhaps any other world leader.

RNS Opinion

India is doubling down on its traumatic attack on Sikh shrines 40 years ago

(RNS) — India cannot become a true world power until it leaves behind the tyranny of the religious majority.

The Trump trial reflected Jewish ideals

(RNS) — Donald Trump's day in court reminded me of how Judaism views rulers. Even, ex-rulers. Don’t let this man anywhere near office again.


Adults raised in the ‘Christian parenting empire’ of the ’70s-’90s push back

(RNS) — Leveraging social media, these parents and professionals aim to show that this parenting approach can result in trauma, estrangement and views of God as abusive.

Off-color LGBTQ remarks deepen mystery of a pontiff who can’t be pinned down

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Despite repeated media attempts to define Pope Francis, he remains difficult to label 11 years into his pontificate.

In Other News


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