Friday, June 7, 2024

RNS Morning Report: This Gen Z politician wants to talk about religion more, not less

RNS Morning Report

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This Gen Z politician wants to talk about religion more, not less

(RNS) — Ashwin Ramaswami’s state Senate campaign carries with it broader national themes of election protection and Hindus’ emerging presence in American politics. 

Women get a voice in Israel’s vote for chief rabbi. It may not save a deeply unpopular institution.

(RNS) — In the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, the elections for chief rabbi are receiving more scrutiny than in past years, with many advocating that religious leaders hew more to the views of at least most Orthodox Israelis.

Vatican cardinal urges Europeans to remember own migratory roots ahead of European elections

ROME (AP) — Francis has made reaching out to migrants a priority of his pontificate and has called for receiving countries, within their means, to welcome, protect, promote and integrate migrants.

Man who attacked Muslim lawmaker in Connecticut sentenced to 5 years in prison

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Khan, a Democrat from the Hartford suburb of Windsor, said in a statement that the assault “highlighted serious gaps in our mental health care system and victim safety and protection.”

RNS Opinion

Why Americans of faith need to care about reducing harm to the environment abroad

(RNS) — Investing in international climate assistance is fundamentally about justice.

The 39th-generation rabbi who is reinventing Judaism: Amichai Lau-Lavie

(RNS) — A Conservative rabbi? There is nothing conservative about Amichai Lau-Lavie.


Child education viral star ‘Ms. Rachel’ sparks conservative backlash with Pride video

(RNS) — The 25-second video posted on the first day of Pride Month sparked online debate over her content and interpretation of Christian Scripture.

Poll: Religious groups think Trump’s actions immoral in hush money case, split on whether he broke the law

(RNS) — A survey indicates while many believe Trump’s behavior has been immoral, it may not sway how people vote in November.

In Other News


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