Thursday, June 13, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Southern Baptists don’t get votes to add ‘only men’ pastors language to constitution

RNS Morning Report

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Southern Baptists don’t get votes to add ‘only men’ pastors language to constitution

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — It is rare for Southern Baptists to not affirm a measure with a second consecutive vote.

Diminished in size, Bosnian Jews hold fast to their identity

SARAJEVO, Bosnia (RNS) — On Shavuot, a holiday that commemorates the revelation of the Torah, about 18 regulars trickled in to the city’s one remaining synagogue.

The future of SBC abuse reform is now in the hands of denominational committee

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — A volunteer task force said it did not have the funds or influence needed to make abuse reforms stick. Now local church messengers have asked the SBC’s Executive Committee to take on the task.

At Florida homeschool convention, an education in MAGA politics

KISSIMMEE, Fla. (RNS) — Amid more typical homeschool concerns such as combating screen time and filling gaps in homeschool math curricula, the overarching message of the 40th annual Florida Homeschool Convention was about politics, not education.

RNS Opinion

Southern Baptist resolutions on war, Oct. 7 fail logical and biblical tests

(RNS) — A resolution supporting Israel in the wake of Oct. 7 failed to consider fellow Christians in the Middle East.

‘Fiddler on the Roof’ may be many Americans’ image of Judaism – but American Jews’ heritage is stunningly diverse

(The Conversation) — Most ideas about Jewish culture in the United States come from Ashkenazi traditions, but there’s a vast landscape of Jewish cultures around the world – and represented in the US.


Vatican convenes astrophysicists to discuss black holes, quantum theory

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — ‘We think we have put together a dream team,’ said organizers of the event, which hopes to reconcile quantum theory and cosmology.

At second-ever global convening, Zoroastrian youth seek a more connected future

(RNS) — Youth from the ancient faith campaigned to fund an interfaith center in England to promote the goals of inclusivity and interorganizational communication. 

In Other News


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